Just came on here to say...

.. That this movie was awesome! I was expecting a reaaalllly terrible bad movie, but this was not even a bad movie... This was - (brace yourselves here) - a GOOD MOVIE. Actually good.

It's just like Trick R Treat, but for Christmas. Awesome plot(s), great cast, very well shot, quirky, strange, scary, cheesy, and at some points, brilliant.

Cannot understate how surprised by this movie I was. Definitely worth a watch if you're into movies like Trick r Treat, Krampus (the good one), Army of Darkness, etc.

7/10, just go watch it. You won't regret it!


I really enjoyed it, too. Quite a surprise!


The twist at the end was definitely good and not expected! I have to say I was pleasantly surprised.


I liked the twist too. I was definitely not expecting it.


I expected part of the Twist, I figured Norman was the reason the police said stay away from the mall, but not the rest of the twist.


This was certainly better than expected, especially the Santa wrap-around story. While cheesy, predictable, and typical horror behavior in many places, it was still good fun and more than I thought I'd get.

And hey... it': Bill Shatner!
