MovieChat Forums > Disparue (2015) Discussion > I don't get the earrings thing ..?

I don't get the earrings thing ..?

What great and obvious truth was revealed by the earrings ..?

All it meant was that Chris had a pair of the same earrings, which are not necessarily unique ... they had already shown us that the pendant has at least one copy ...

Am I missing something ..? (DON'T all reply at once ... :D )



The night that Leá went out and never came back, Chris only had one of them. Later that night when Leá and Romain were making out in the car, Leá realised that she was lying on the earring. So Chris has earlier lost her earring in the back of the car, obviously when Chris had been making out with Romain. This had been disclosed by Romain to the police. So for Chris to have got the earring back she'd have need to have seen Leá after the argument between Leá and Romain and before Leá disappeared, something Chris had denied.


...but wasn't the earring found on Lea during the postmortem ... a photo of it was in the case file that Flo saw ..? :/



I don't remember the earring being found, only the pendant but therefore why was there a photo in the file - you are quite right!!!!


Exactly! When Florence had both earrings together it all fell into place for her.


I read some other post elsewhere on the earrings. A lot of thought put into this by the viewers. I think less by the writers. If Zoe had just found the one and was wearing it, it would have been enough for Flo to figure out Chris.


Exactly. Chris always had one earring - we see that at the beginning. The second one had fallen off in Romain's car and then Lea found it, and realised he'd been shagging Chris. What then incriminates Chris is that she has both earrings again, i.e. she must have been present the night Lea died to get the 'missing' earring back off Lea. BUT THEN WHY IS A PHOTO OF THE EARRING IN THE POLICE EVIDENCE FILE? It makes zero sense, as they would never have recovered the earring if Chris took it back after killing Lea. All they would have had was Romain's statement.


Yes, I think this is a goof on the part of the filmmakers


I thought she bought another pair and when the mother saw the two on her friend, that was the first time she connected the dots, now knowing about the one in the case file after remembering the missing one.


I absolutely loved this series but I could not let go of the photo of the earring being on the evidence file. I went back to the beginning but could not find the moment that the police found the earring or any other reason why the earring would be in the file. It ruined it for me. Because it is such an important part of the plot - how Flo finds out the truth - it is a shame they did not pay more attention to this. They made her see the photo on the file but never gave half a thought as to how come the police would have that photo if it was NEVER FOUND. They could at least have made a drawing instead of a picture. That would be less damaging. That was really a shame because were it not for the photo Flo would never have found out and she would never had run and get killed. I think that is the only way the writers found to kill her. Such a shame.


The earrings were important because Lea finding the missing one in the car is what started the whole chain of events which lead to her death. It was a vital part of Romains story regarding the argument that caused her to run off alone into park at 3 in the morning. The police would have asked him to describe it and they must have either got a copy of one to photograph or who knows maybe Chris lent them her remaining one. Also the police specifically said that they'd never recovered it in the last episode, so it's no goof that it was in the case file - the police considered it important evidence to back up Romains story and also something to look for when they were searching for her. Why makes absolutely no sense to me is why Chris kept the earrings - but she was a nutter so there you go.
