plot ending spoiler

Can someone help explain the ending. Thanks


1. Noah, the picked-on kid, has an uncle, Eddie, in the Mob (Travolta).
2. Noah's friend Bryce - the black dude - is an FBI agent who is aware that Marques is an informant.
3. Noah wants revenge on Zach, Warren and the guy who committed suicide at the film's beginning (forget his name). These three were the ones who tormented him in earlier years -- the poodle stunt, for example.
4. Noah's revenge on Zach. He starts affair with Zach's fiance. Revealed at the movie's end via the manilla envelope of photos.
5. Noah's revenge on poodle guy - he kills him at the beginning of movie, i.e. it wasn't a suicide as first believed. We learn this at the end.
6. Noah's revenge on Warren... I already forget but Noah was tricked into murdering Marques. Maybe he didn't go through with Warren since Warren apologized to him for their hazing of him... as I said, I already forget the specifics.
6. Noah concocts overall plan with his uncle and Bryce to arrange the eventual kidnapping of an FBI informant (Marques). For his part in the scheme each of the three - Noah, Bryce and the Eddie - will split the two million that they will make from Marques' uncle for revealing the rat in his organization.

Along the way he will ruin the lives of Zach and Warren(?).

The plan is concocted in such a way that the uncle will never suspect that his nephew's death and the money he pays out were all part of a bigger plan.

Have I missed anything?


The ending is an insult to the audiences' intelligence. THERE!


Bryce: Was he at the poodle incident and said that it was messed up?
Was he in the Army with Noah and they both had the same tattoo?
Did the hazing occur when they were in high school?

I enjoyed the movie.

Thanks for the post.


3. Noah wants revenge on Zach, Warren and the guy who committed suicide at the film's beginning

It was not suicide, at the end they showed someones hand push him. The also showed his face among the crowd.



Yeah, I explained this earlier. I was being 'convenient' describing him as a suicide but, yes, he was killed by Noah.


laplante summed it up pretty well. The only things missing was Warren ended up drinking again and Bryce was the one int he was the guy in video at the end that said "This is f'd Up Man". So he never tortured or participated in the bullying then they both served in Afghanistan together hence the tattoos. The only revenge against Warren was that he ended up killing Marques and went back to drinking after being sober for about a month.

As for revenge against bullying when the bullying wasn't bad enough, we don't really know that. The only thing we know is warren says that they tortured Noah and that he felt terrible about it and they did it weekly. Being bullied in school can really hurt someone mentally and permanently. They can have major issues because of it. Zach clearly hadn't changed much calling Noah Poodle, and when they said he must have done something horrible he denied it. Did Mathew deserve to be killed, probably not but it is a movie and we don't know what he did to Noah. Also keep in mind Noah's uncle was a mob boss, so he wasn't exactly 100% morally pure either, he got mob justice in a way on his tormentors in high school and came out of it rich, with a girl and respect from his Uncle.


Yes, Warren just has to live with the guilt that he murdered someone. Furthermore, if Zach was to tell him about Noah (we're not sure about that), he may have to live with the fact that he was manipulated into the act.🐭


Thanks Laplante
