Wide Release?

Will The Red Pill movie movie be getting a wider release beyond New York and Los Angeles? I live in the midwest, and would love to get the chance to see it.


I live in te Netherlands and I also want to see it.


Several Tugg screenings already set up. Contact Cassie through the website theredpillmovie.com to see if you can set up one near you.

I saw this yesterday and attended the Q&A- very well done, balanced, but not white washed.

Take away: being a woman is hard; being a guy isn't sunshine and rainbows either.


Currently 96% on rotten tomatoes, so obviously there won't be a wider release. I'll have to find a copy to purchase from the black market somehow probably using the dark web, or maybe smuggle a copy in from Russia.


As I understand it, they will be releasing it in one form or another online very soon, Cassie just wants enough of a theatre run to be able to put it up for Oscar consideration. And then not even so much because she wants the Oscar, but because getting it put up for consideration would force members of the Academy to see it and maybe get them to think.

Also getting it put up for an Oscar would get more people with no current bias interested in seeing it, to give them an idea of the issue from a fair and balanced perspective.

Tommy... how's the peeping?


They are targeting the major streaming platforms right now, and apparently Netflix US is one of the first up.


Vimeo is actually the first as the KickStart backer (like me) got there copy there:


Of course: If you are not a KickStart backer you need to wait for the 07. March to buy.


Yes, I know, not quite the same as a theatre but:





How do you actually watch the movie?


You will be able to watch the movie on March 7th via credit card.


You buy it on the 07. Mar 2017 either on Vimeo or on Amazon or on iTunes.
