MovieChat Forums > 600 Millas (2016) Discussion > Absurd and false potrayal of gun traffic...

Absurd and false potrayal of gun trafficing

I can't believe the film makers have the buyer filling out a 4473 (background check) and not background checked. The 4473 is the form for FBI NCIC check. This is a complete falsification by the filmakers

What you are seeing there is NOT a so called "gun show loophole" (which is not the source for cartel guns anyway) , nor is it a no background check sale. It is a "straw purchase." A straw purchase is a qualified buyer who can -- and does -- pass a full background check buying for another person who is disqualified. Straw purchase is the source of about 83% of guns used in crime.

That purchase you see occurring could be being done in Canada, New York State or Massachusetts with their strong gun a laws

It is also something the gun control lobby purposely confuses with background checks, when in fact they are pretty much the opposite. In fact the straw purchase you see there is why closing any background check "loophole" is meaningless.

I noticed one of the IMDB reviewers noted this correctly and received an avalanche of down votes. Are people so cemented in their cognitive bias that they will down vote a reviewer for noting this gigantic falsification of how the portrayed purchases are occurring?


That review is probably getting downvoted because of the massive spoiler about the ending- it should be edited or deleted.

I don't really care about the details; for the purposes of the story there are way too many guns in the US, and some of them are bought to be used in Mexico.


As guns have increased since the early 1990's US gun murder has fallen 65%. And it matters that the film utterly misrepresents what occurs when you fill out the form.

reminds me of a famous anti second amendment nut who went to such a gun show, bought a Ar-15 and held pres conernce claiming he never had a background check. the seller then proved he absolutely did submit the background check to the FBI and got a clearance before ever transferring possession fo the firearm.

What cases violence is prior criminals on the streets, not guns.


By "anti second amendment nut" do you mean he was opposed to well regulated militias?


I agree the whole gun trafficing sub plot was flawed, and a bit exaggerated.

As you say, you can do straw purchases IF you are willing to throw your life away and break the law for a few bucks, but most weapons that get to cartels are not from straw purchases, or even the United States for that matter.

That is why the Obama administration had to pump up those numbers falsely to make their anti gun argument stronger. That was the purpose of fast and furious. To flood the cartels with a new pipeline of easy to get American weapons during faction wars.

Don't hold your breath to see a movie about that.

The premise was to track them, and yet there was no operation or technology activated to track them. They were just dumping them so they would eventually turn up at Mexican crime scenes, and bolster the argument that our 2nd ammendment freedoms are causing violence in Mexico.

Back to the movie. Some of the gun shop scenes reminded me of real gun shops. But I have never been to ANY gun shop that had that many guns actually out on display.

And there would be no need for a straw purchaser to go to a gun show to buy weapons, and NOBODY buys 13 308's without being denied or reported or both, UNLESS it was during Fast and Furious where OUR government directed gun shop owners to ignore the law.


I agree the whole gun trafficing sub plot was flawed, and a bit exaggerated.

What was exaggerated about it? They actually did a good job at playing it down and showing it for these little two-man half-ass operations that they tend to be.
And there would be no need for a straw purchaser to go to a gun show to buy weapons

Why not? They do. Need to or not, they often make straw purchases at gun shows.
and NOBODY buys 13 308's without being denied or reported or both, UNLESS it was during Fast and Furious where OUR government directed gun shop owners to ignore the law.

 That just sounds really naive.
That is why the Obama administration had to pump up those numbers falsely to make their anti gun argument stronger. That was the purpose of fast and furious. To flood the cartels with a new pipeline of easy to get American weapons during faction wars.

You do realize that Fast and Furious began as Operation Wide Receiver under the Bush administration, don't you? Or are you just conveniently leaving that bit out?
The premise was to track them, and yet there was no operation or technology activated to track them. They were just dumping them so they would eventually turn up at Mexican crime scenes, and bolster the argument that our 2nd ammendment freedoms are causing violence in Mexico.

Eh... you're about half right. Yes, they said they were going to track the guns when they had absolutely no way of doing so. But to do this for the sole purpose of gaining support for the anti-gun argument? I mean, I know that's the usual gun nut conspiracy theory, but you do see how far you're reaching, right?

The fact of the matter is the US declared a war on drugs. To fight a war, you need soldiers, and those soldiers need weapons. Considering the fact that the US declared this war on drugs, it would make sense that we would aid in arming our combatants across the border, would it not? Frankly, it's really that simple. I know the conspiracy theories are fun, but the truth is plain as day. This is what the US has historically done. We're doing it in the Middle East as well. War is a trillion dollar industry. The US government revolves around this industry.

The bottom line is our government needs wars and their wars need guns. That's just how it works. 


You are wrong on the facts on all points

Why not? They do. Need to or not, they often make straw purchases at gun shows.

Except gun shows are not the source of 0.1% of guns used in crime

You do realize that Fast and Furious began as Operation Wide Receiver under the Bush administration, don't you? Or are you just conveniently leaving that bit out?

People who bring up wide receiver prove their profound ignorance.
1. Wide receiver did not result in deaths of US law enforcement, Fast and Furious provided weapons direct to cartels and got US agents KILLED.
2. Wide receiver was a gun tracing not a "gun walking" operation. Wide receiver resulted in NO deaths -- not one from a gun in wide recover. Holders Fast and furious resulted in hundred of confirmed deaths so far.
3. Most guns in wide receiver were RFID chipped.
4. wide receiver saw 300 guns walk, 260 were recovered. Holders Fast and furious lost 2,100 guns the vast majority never recovered
5. Wide receiver was shut down by the administration in months when they saw a couple hundred guns get los. Fast and furious went on and on and lost THOUSADNDS and was not shut down until two US law enforcement and hundreds of Mexican cartel victims were killed.
6. Wide receiver was done with cooperation of Mexican authorities. Fast and Furious they were kept completely in the dark
Yes, they said they were going to track the guns when they had absolutely no way of doing so. But to do this for the sole purpose of gaining support for the anti-gun argument?

In fact in wide receiver they used RFID and tracked and got back most guns.


Wrong, wrong, and wrong.

Arizona requires only a Drivers Licence and a NICS (not NCIC) check (which is a one minute phonecall via AFCC - the clue being the word 'Instant' in NICS) and you walk out with your weapon of choice. There's clearly a part in the scene where after he completes the form, the guy goes off and checks, and an edit where he later gives him the gun in its case.

An Arizona gun show purchase is even easier, as I suspect you well know.

Of course the easiest way is to hold a CWP, in which case there are no further checks whatsoever.

You're welcome.


What is "wrong" with what I wrote.

he is filling out a 4473 and getting a full background check. he is getting a full NCIC background check


I'm not really seeing the problem here. As you said, the film depicts a straw purchase. We see the character fill out the #4473 form as one would do in a straw purchase and we see him buy the gun. What exactly is the problem with that? That is how it is done. I don't know if you expected the film to show every little detail of such transactions, but that would be tedious. They accurately depicted how a straw purchase works. 


And? The idea that it occurs mostly at gun shows or is any differ tin most Us states is absurd.

and this kid would have to do it 2,000 times to get as many illegal guns into Drug cartel hands that Eric holder did!
