Rowdy Roddy Piper !!!!

Missed one hour of this movie and turned it on to see Roddy visiting the girl Nora ! What fun to see him and he looks pretty good ! Earlier he was in some movie called They Live from years ago !!!!!!


Roddy was on an episode of The Haunting of...He talked about how his supernatural/paranormal experience affected him for many years. It was pretty cool and he had a really nice house. I was happy to see him in this though I wish he wasn't the bad guy. :-( Loved him in THEY LIVE. He was my fave back in the days of WWE (70s was my time for that but he made it fun in the 80s too).

And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes, I'll see you on the Dark Side of the Moon


Piper has done a lot of movies


R.I.P., Rowdy Roddy Piper!

BOHICA America!


he's awesome.

Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.-Albert Camus🍁
