Pop Quiz

A high school pop quiz with the questions:
"What year did Columbus discover America"
"Who was the first president of the United States"
"Where is the Statue of Liberty"

Do the writers understand the difference between 2nd and 12th grade?



Well, y'know, Common Core and all that...


If you ever watch the "man on the street" interviews on the late night talk shows where they stop random people and ask them various questions (usually about political leaders or common questions about American history, geography and government etc.) there are quite a few people who have no clue about many things they should have learned a long time ago. It is really sad.

It exemplifies the state our pitiful education system is in. We were on a downward slide way before Common Core came into play.

Of course, when you have a large percentage of the population who is more concerned about the Kardashians and other fluff issues then that also comes into play.

We are headed full steam toward the society depicted in Idiocracy -- actually, sometimes I think we are already there. When Kanye West becomes President we will have fully achieved it.


You know it was a joke, right?


LMAO! I was being generous as I thought 5th Grade, but yeah, the point is, those are all elementary school questions, not high school questions. If that was supposed to be a history exam, it should have had things about Caesar, and some Anthropology questions, etc.

This was actually not a bad movie for a Lifetime movie, with the exception of the questions on this exam. I'm really glad I'm not the only person who noticed this.

And to the third poster, you are correct, we ARE THERE (regarding the Idiocy of America). We are truly in a sad, sad, state. This is simply another reason the rest of the world laughs at us. It makes me really glad I neither have, nor want kids, but if I did have them, it would be home schooling (with the best tutors I could find, as I fully admit that I am in no way qualified to teach kids myself) or a private school. However, that private school would have to be the BEST for me to consider putting my kids there.

But public school these days? No way.

