I tried

I really did, but the opening was horrible. The plot structure of the first episode was poorly organized. The first scene was just . . . And the dialogue is punishable by lashing. Not to mention the extreme violence in syfy shows gets tiring. Starts to seem like "here's another million ways to slash or kill someone." Nothing made much sense until the final few scenes. I kept thinking how to re-edit the scenes so the story would make sense. But alas, it did not work.


You actually give it too much credit. It's worse than that.


Maybe you're right. 😁


It looks like Syfy tries very hard to ride on the success of all that Fantasy shows currently airing - without the budget, the writing and special effects teams. Like a kid in a cardboard transformers costume speaking with a deep voice.

Its funny, laughable and heartwarming, but only the crazies, selfish dad would show that sort of embarrassing footage to anyone.

Syfy is that dad.
