Mark Coles-Smith etc

We saw the film today and loved it. I'm not sure it would have a great release if you haven't been out in the bush but found it very true to the life I've seen.

Mark Coles-Smith I don't remember seeing before but he was both a hoot and a great character. He did the butcher dance with gusto and other scenes with compassion and he played a good larrikin.

All in all, no complaints and credits for the music and the beautiful cinematography - got the light out there and captured it. For me, all characters well cast.


I remember Mark Coles-Smith from OLD SCHOOL and THE GODS OF WHEAT ST. He has a good role in this but all the main actors do! :)

Laura Ess


Haven't seen him in anything as I haven't seen many Aussie movies, but he was wonderful here.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried
