MovieChat Forums > Age of Tomorrow (2014) Discussion > THE most awesomely bad Asylum movie yet!...

THE most awesomely bad Asylum movie yet!!

Really bad acting. Tick
Really serious score with badly timed change ups. Tick
Very bad and over the top dialogue. Tick
Seriously bad CGI. Tick
Did I mention really bad over the top acting? Tick

Favourite scene: Firefighting hero goes into 3rd story blaze (ie mega bad CGI fire), to rescue screaming girl. His team on the ground are really worried, there's no way out. Zoom in on bad CGI fire, there's an explosion, cut to undinted boot of parked car, there is hero with unharmed girl both acting really badly :-) You don't even see him come out the window. This is the awesomeness you have in store!!



I have a really high tolerance for bad and can love a movie that is hilariously bad. This however was unendurable.

- I'm not sure if I should.
- Then you're not sure if you shouldn't.


Anyone who finds this movie unbearable should count themselves lucky that they apparently haven't seen any truly bad films. There are loads of movies out there waaaaaaay worse than this. Several of them produced by the same company!

