I'm so sick...

...of these exaggerated 80s lovefests in genre film-making. Almost every praised genre film that comes out is nothing but a blatant ape on the style of 70s or 80s cinema. If not, it's simply a taking the aesthetics of the 80s, indulging them, and slapping them on screen to make nostalgic fanboys squeal. The only films to do this that didn't' feel tired are The Guest and It Follows imo, and even It Follows directly lifted a scene from Halloween.

Now, I will always respect the effort put into 99% of films, no matter how bad I think they are. Turbo Kid obviously had a lot of craft and energy put into for such a small budget. But everything about it lacked charm. Aside from Apple, none of the characters were interesting or funny. None of the gags landed. The action was stale. Nothing about it worked. It was boring. It was just yet another "Hey, weren't the 80s AWESOME!" nostalgia trip. It's the same reason I couldn't stand Kung Fury.

Do something original, genre directors. Instead of slavishly re-creating an 80s that didn't exist, put all that effort into making a genre film that doesn't just remind a bunch of jaded fanboys how things were in the "good old days".


I agree. Looking at all of The positive reviews on here...they All say the same s***...

80s!! 80s!! 80s!!!!!!!!

Yes we get it this movie reminds you of the good ol days when you weren't a fat depressed loser...

That doesn't make this movie good ...at all


That's a lot of anger my friend.


I feel the exact same way and I was born in the 80's.


You needed to be born in the 60's or the very early 70's to feel you heart strings tugged by this movie. When you saw these movies when you were in your teens it gets imprinted on you. It brings back memories of hunting the aisles of the video store finding these bad ass covers showing the promise of blood, boobs and...hopefully more boobs! I've always been a fan of averagely and often poorly acted Italian made, post apocalyptic movies as well. Trashy, violent, poorly executed stunts, too much blood, crazy dialogue, sometimes not making sense. Love it all. This movie did a good job of holding my attention but movies made today, even with an 80's flair don't compare to the real deal. There's just too many different filming choices being made with digital vs. Film and even lower budgets being used as digital makes it possible. Sacrificing shot counts and thus, less setups for a creative array of shots for editing. Often these newer movies really lack in the editing dept. for keeping a good flow going visually. Exposing too much the lack of set dressing and production values by being too stagnant on wide frames. Also it just looks too clean (digital), even with all the dirt smudges on their faces. I did like the use of a lot of practical effects and actually don't think there was any CGI blood which was awesome (God, I hate CGI blood). I give it a 7/10. Enjoyed it.

"God Damn, dipsh!t Rodriguez, gypsy dildo...PUNKS!"


Unfortunately there were no tits in this movie.

If I can't smoke and swear I'm *beep*


I know! What was up with that?!


You needed to be born in the 60's or the very early 70's to feel you heart strings tugged by this movie.

That's BS. I grew up in the 90s doing all the things you describe. This "you just had to be there, man!" mentality is a fallacy.


I also agree. I just watched this piece of garbage on Netflix. I feel like the film creators fundamentally don't understand all the campy, b-quality, practical effects movies from the 80s, 90s, and late 70s. 70s is s stretch. I am 31 and I've watched most of this stuff starting in 89 and in 90s.
The films references to which Turbo Kid seems to be full of (they'll call it "homage" I am sure) were mostly bad to begin with. They weren't cool then and they are not even cool now. The films I refer to are not the quality popular films but rather the b-films which are mostly of poor quality. I am not saying many of them do not deserve cult following. Cherry 2000 is alright, Trancers, Screamers, Buckaroo Banzai, Waterworld, Mad Max sequels, the crappy American Ninja movies, the movie about motorcycle Knights (forgot the title, it's where people fight each other joust style on motorbikes and swing medieval weapons). Of course a bunch of late 70s film references like from The Boy and His Dog, Rollerball, Romero movies,

Those are the ones I can name from the top of my mind. Turbo Kid seems to be filled with a ton of "references" to nearly every film. Even the Troma films. The word referencesare in quotation marks because they're simply stylistic cut and paste rip offs. They are not subtle or nuanced at all. For example remember the guy you see Indiana jones looking guy arm wrestling in beginning. He has a helmet made from bones. It is s direct copy of the snake king from the tv cartoon called Conan The Barbarian when Conan movies were popular. And of course they there in a ton of cliche anime plot elements.

Anyway, I digressed into not very relevant observations. The creators of this incredibly annoying and frustrating film do not get what it is in these cult films that may have appealed to post 1995 audiences. It is not the cheap synthesizer sound and music or overly simplistic plot structure and it is not the depiction of technology stuck in the 80s imagination (Walkman, Nintendo glove, 8-bit games and all crap like that).
The films of the 80s appeal to audiences today because despite limitations of budget, despite limitations of available film making technology, and despite crappy music they had, they tried to be serious about the visions of the future the directors showed in those films. They didn't make those films as mockery of parody of any other movies. Not even as parodies of old black and white sci fi. And what makes old movies appealing today is the gap in technology of 70s and 80s, and technology of late 90s and today. Those old movies were often failed experimental attempts to make something good. They would try to top each other with practical effects and visions of the future.

But Turbo Kid, just like the even worse Kung Fury, are mockeries. They're uncool mockeries of the limitations and of the really interesting aspects of the old movies. I watched Turbo Kid and I am angry. I am angry how Turbo Kid fails to capture the good, exaggerates the worst, and makes it all look like a cheap mockery of that which still sits in memories of young adults as a warm memory.

Well, basically I hate Turbo Kid. Even the exaggerated and mocked elements depicted in it do not match each other. Naïveté of the non comedic old scifi films is mixed with excessive gore of horror and satire films that Troma or Croneberg could have made. They simply have nothing to do with each other.

Ugh, so angry. How could anyone not get it and make this junk?!


Even though I enjoyed the movie I understand what you mean about the difference of paying homage or parodying to back when they were trying to make the best movie they could but just didn't have much money or enough talent. I enjoyed TK because I didnt take it that seriously and I also think it wouldn't be possible now to make a more serious take on it as it's still homage, due to the 80's covered it already to excess. Even though I usually hate remakes I must admit I got a "what if" twinge when you mentioned Trancers. Too bad Tim Thomerson is too old now. Jack Deth was the bomb.


LMFAOOO you mad at a movie.... I'm cryin with laughter over here??Wtf is wrong with you?!


HAHAHAHA!!!! everybodylovescounting, great response. I enjoyed the movie, I am not a critic, I just like to be entertained and I was.


The movie wasn't perfect, but come on. How many recent films capture this particular style? Kung Fury and Tubo Kid. That's two films. And Kung Fury is a short. I don't even count Kung Fury because it was clearly written as a comedy/parody (however the soundtrack is amazing).

Some people here need to lighten up. If Turbo Kid was playing everywhere like Star Wars I could understand the scrutiny or the boredom with the genre. It's just an indie film, probably with an extremely low budget. They did a good job, I really give them credit. There is room for improvement and I hope they take it to the next level with another film in the same style.

How do you make an indie film succeed? You make it in a proven genre. This genre is definitely not proven, it is a leap of faith, but apparently thinking outside the box is something that a few audience members do not like.

Let me ask, what would you prefer? Another indie film about estranged family members reuniting? Another formulaic genre film? I watched Turbo Kid on Netflix. For anyone else with Netflix, I don't even need to cite examples of the 10000 indie genre-based films that are laughably bad. We don't want those. We want more Kung Fury and Turbo Kid.

If people don't like the style, that's fine, but if you diss Turbo Kid you aren't attacking a Goliath here, you're just picking on struggling filmmakers. If you like the style but think that Turbo Kid didn't properly capture it, I can agree to some extent, which is why I hope this genre takes off and they really try to perfect the style.


The movie wasn't perfect, but come on. How many recent films capture this particular style? Kung Fury and Tubo Kid. That's two films.

Turbo Kid
Kung Fury
The Guest
Cabin In the Woods
Final Girls
The House of the Devil
It Follows
Behind the Mask
Piranha 3D
The Conjuring

I could go on.

All genre films clearly meant to invoke or flat our copy the feel and tone of 70s and 80s horror. Sure, some of them are meta and self-referential and I even loved many of these films. My point is, this trend is beyond tired now. It's stale. Do something different besides calling back to the good old days. It's lazy.


Do something original, genre directors. Instead of slavishly re-creating an 80s that didn't exist, put all that effort into making a genre film that doesn't just remind a bunch of jaded fanboys how things were in the "good old days".

Sorry, but I don't care what your objections to Kung Fury were, but you can't tell me that it wasn't original. You may not like how stupid it was... but I haven't seen any other film that involved a Triceratops cop, time travelling hitler, Thor etc.

The story may be a mess but it's an original mess.
