Horrible waste of time

First of all there are Washington license plates. So "American Midwest" is NOT the location. Secondly, what is the point of telling a story that has suspense but NO CONCLUSION? I want my 90 minutes back!



I thought the ending was quite clear - she got away - the guy didn't kill her because he wanted to go back and relive his turtle story. However when he returned she killed him and fled. The guy on the plane was getting the heck out of there because it went sour. Today most people expect the 'spell-it-out-loud' disney endings because we're constantly being fed our thoughts resulting in not many of us having our own ability to think or just angry if we're put in a situation where we have to think. Aside from that fragmented end where you have to think a tiny bit - there could have been a bit more rhythm to the story but i enjoyed it and found during the build up of the story it held the suspense very well. (perhaps there was too much focus on suspense and not enough on a spell it out loud conclusion for the masses).
