I don't care...

...if this was the worst movie ever, Amber Heard looks so stunning here that I can't wait to see it. Of course, Christopher Walken is a brilliant actor and Kelli Garner is beautiful too, but I would watch this solely for Amber. Call me shallow, but that's just how it is, I can't help it.


Yeah, I like this look on Amber. :)

"You're an idiot." - Irisa Nolan, Defiance (2013)


The tumblr-hipster-look?


Is that what you're calling it? How come?

"You're an idiot." - Irisa Nolan, Defiance (2013)



Indie chick grunge tumblr look. That is quite the title. Her outfits are a combination of grunge and punk fashion. Yes. I have no idea what tumblr has to do with it, however. Tumblr didn't invent the look, nor is it a type of fashion. It's a website. 😄

"You're an idiot." - Irisa Nolan, Defiance (2013)



Okay, that makes a lot more sense. Thanks for explaining it to me. I don't use or browse tumblr. I mostly dress grunge/punk, which is why I like Amber's look in this movie. Could you please link me to some of your favorite grunge bloggers in tumblr? :)

"You're an idiot." - Irisa Nolan, Defiance (2013)


A very good choice sir, if I can say so.
I will do the same.
Greetings from Lisboa - Portugal


I think she looks stunning! She will probably be the best thing of the movie.


I only cared about Christopher Walken - I didn't particularly care for anyone else's acting. I thought they were all sub-par. I loved watching Chris, though (even if his singing wasn't up to par!)



"even if his singing wasn't up to par" that's a matter of opinion, however he sure can dance.

My Top 50 Films http://www.imdb.com/list/ls033211402/

