MovieChat Forums > Fatal Friends (2015) Discussion > What I Learned From The Wrong Girl

What I Learned From The Wrong Girl

1. A prisoner at a mental asylum can escape simply by dressing as a janitor.
2. No pair of glasses will EVER make Kirsten Prout look nerdy.
3. File rooms in mental institutions are always unlocked and unguarded.
4. If you're a teacher having a sexual relationship with a student, don't make out with them in a car in broad daylight.
5. Any person with bipolar disorder is an psychotic murderer.
6. Teenagers text each other in all caps.
7. If your new best friend begins Single White Femaling you, don't tell your parents about your concerns. It's best to deal with this kind of situation on your own.
8. If you're a cop and a suspect flees on a bicycle, don't bother going to your car to give chase. Just go on foot.
9. If you're being chased by someone with a gun, don't run to a neighbor's house or toward the street. Head for the woods.
10. A woman can shoot at a teenage girl several times while chasing her and not one neighbor will hear it.
11. Allison's barbeque was lame.


The part with the cops on foot was so funny! Omg


12 You can set an alarm and take your sweet time exiting the building.


13. All teenage girls dress in either granny - like clothing or corsets when trying to impress.


*If you are normally a bit of a loner and someone you have never met before tries to be friend you do not accept their friendship.
*you aparently do not need ID to enrol in school anymore
*If someone wears glasses they are bound to be psychotic. SO RUN!! Think morman bates with specs...
*It is really easy to get to records in a psychiatric hospital... No locks, no codes, just help yourself...
*I am actually quite happy to be a bit of a loner now


14. It can be 8pm at night and still be broad daylight outside.

15. Police can "track" down a phone with a loose gem from a phone case.


These are the most hilarious postings ever! Especially the OP. This one gets my specially designed trophy!


Draping a scarf on a mirror is apparently shocking enough to make someone ask if your parents were OK with how you decorate your bedroom.


And you can be BFFs and never wonder why your friend never invites you over to her house.


I didn't get why she asked that. Her room was completely normal.


Next time I snoop into confidential medical records, I'll hunker down on the floor, get comfy & take my time reading them instead of throwing them into my bag & hauling ass out of there.
