Confused by end

Why were Kevin and his sister trying to drug and kill Haylie Duff's character? Was it because she looked like Camilla? What did they have to gain by drugging her? Why did Kevin file a false police report and kill that teacher? Where they both arrested at the end?


I think Kevin died in the end.
I think Kevin filed the suit cause he didn't want that teacher guy to be near his wife.
That's what I assumed anyway.


I don't think Jolene was even his real sister, right? She just acted like his sister, I even think Kevin/Jolene had a "thing" - I maybe wrong; but Kevin was still bitter about his wife Camille, who I think Jolene/Kevin killed. I don't know the whole plot was off, but I love Haylie Duff so that is why I watched.
I was more worried about that dog, I hate when animals get killed; such a sweet dog. So please someone answer me this was Jolene actually Kevin's sister? So confused. Killing that old man was brutal - Kevin is such a psychotic MF and so is his "sister"!!!


I think Jolene was his sister.. I really didn't see a need for her part at all. The story would have worked without her part and would have made more sense.


"...Kevin/Jolene had a 'thing'..."

I thought exactly the same, too, but I have not passed comment until now as I didn't relish bigging up possible sexual perversion in what is supposed to be an afternoon movie that kiddies may be watching with grandma.

Either what you suggest could have been the case, or maybe the sibling relationship was completely chaste and Jolene was only trying to keep him sweet by supporting him in case he turned on her with his syringe.


The only reason I can think of doing the teacher off was 'cause he was jealous of the friendship between him and his wife. You never even saw them hanging with each other outside of work, besides the house warming party. Maybe he was drugging her so she wouldn't be able to keep working? The husband died at the end, so they couldn't arrest him, I guess the sister could have been arrested? What did sister have to gain with Haylie Duff's character dyeing? Where her and 1st wife secret lesbo lovers and she was upset wife 2 wasn't bi? What was the deal with the dog, did Kevin kill the dog and what for? Was he tried of it pooping in the yard and digging holes? They had surveillance cameras in the house, Haylie knew this, did the cops not notice them outside? Why didn't she mention it to the police when they came out? Granted maybe they didn't have a camera in the garage but they had them outside. You have to be outside before you go into the garage. Did none of his friends even mention she was the spitting image of his 1st wife to Haylie's character? I assumed he lived in the same area has he did with his 1st wife, it didn't appear the mother of 1st wife lived that far away.


Why did haylie duff's character go to such trouble to put the video of Kevin on a zip drive, take such pains to get sneak down the stairs, disable the alarm system, and get out the front door undetected by Kevin and NOT take the zip drive with her? What??? Her pocket wasn't large enough?? It was too heavy???? 

She then goes to the police and they tell her she needs proof? Well, yeah!!! Duh!


She didn't take the flash drive because it only downloaded to 90% before Kevin came home, therefore, she took it out before it could officially save so wouldn't get caught.


Thanks, Lifeguardfan, I guess I missed that.


Well, the file on that flash drive would most likely have been corrupted anyway, because she pulled the USB stick out before the copying process had completed. There was a pop-up on the monitor with a large red cross showing that she'd interrupted it.


I think his first wife was actually sick, so he wanted Haylie to mimic the state his wife was in, so he could feel that they were the same person. Notice at the end the cop lady says she was sick. I don't believe he wanted to kill her, he just wanted his old life back with wife #1, but once #2 figured out what was going on he decided it was time to get rid of her.
He originally tried to have the teacher fired, probably because he was jealous and also wanted to isolate his wife, when that didn't work he killed him.
They mentioned that the sister was going to go away for good but no mention of the husband, he probably died.
