The ending? (SPOILERS)

So, what the hell is the ending supposed to be?

Called Cassandra being the villain a mile off, but what does the ending actually mean? The kids are all virtual besides Cassandra, and so are Jenny's colleagues(?), and Jenny has evidently failed at whatever she was being tested at? But why and how so?

And does the virtual reality reset at the end, like a game? Is it Cassandra taking control of her? A time loop? Has she been in there the whole time?

And is the beginning her being abducted? Did she kill her dad? And what's the news report on education for?

Someone explain, god knows the writers didn't.

There's no kill like OVERKILL. 


NO freakin' idea, whole movie is trash and makes zero sense.


I'm in agreement with you, is i saw two items I didn't quite understand. The first of which was understood in a bit of research through imdb. I didn't understand you could only see everything with the glasses on and darkness without. But your question about what this is supposed to be is a good question. I also was wondering. As I'm writing this, I may have come up with a couple of ideas.

1. The preface of this movie was to show the world is growing stupider and immoral (the news report). So maybe this was a test. Yes everything was just VR the kids, the place, the co-workers, etc. There were strict rules set at the beginning of the movie, however none of those rules covered taking an interest in what the kids were learning. They were obviously learning very advanced stuff. This is also suggested when they have the previous people locked away and they eventually set them on fire because they couldn't figure out the puzzle that the candidates should have no trouble deciphering/creating. However this doesnt cover the immoral rule as they turned bad. I wonder if the idea is they were trying to show there needs to be a trade-off of work to play as Cassandra did say they like to have a little fun, which was the idea of taking over the facility. And it also hints towards they possibly didnt want to hurt her as they told her to explore, then they show her, her old appt. So maybe the ending was failure. If she passed, learning the information the kids were learning she would have been rewarded. The failure was she stays in her old life.

2. I think the part about her dad was just screwing with her because if you remember in the beginning of the movie, the part was her as a little girl sneaking up on her dad in the shower and he said don't sneak up on ppl like that, which seemed harmless. I think while she was sleeping the glasses were able to analyze what she was feeling and what she was dreaming about. This gave them a memory to twist and again "play" with her.


That is what happens when you let kids write a movie.


That's what I thought. Like they observed some 9 year old kids playing make-believe, then they had some high school students try to duplicate it instead of going to detention.
