
This is a cheap knockoff of "Boyhood" by Richard Linklater, a sad sad knockoff


I wrote the plot for Asian School Girls(
It's still there.My point being,any joe can post their sh*t on this website.



This is a cheap knockoff of "Boyhood" by Richard Linklater, a sad sad knockoff

Someone should delete that, isn't imdb supposed to be a professional site?

Boyhood: "The life of a young man, Mason, from age 5 to age 18."
Girlhood: "Oppressed by her family setting, dead-end school prospects and the boys law in the neighborhood, Marieme starts a new life after meeting a group of 3 free-spirited girls. She changes her name, her dress code, and quits school to be accepted in the gang, hoping that this will be a way to freedom."
Yeah, what a sad sad knock-off. *eye roll*


Well, any of you could have submitted a deletion request.

I am a regular contributor, so I already sent a deletion request with the proper explanation. It takes some time, though. Trivia it's a "Gold" Data Type, and in this case, it will take between one and five business days to be processed since the submission (today), so I'm guessing tuesday probably it will be gone. Hopefully earlier.

Shame on the trolls. They only show their ignorance.

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language.


I've sent a deletion request as well


Finally that nonsense is gone!

Please excuse my terrible redaction, english is not my native language.


I did too. Glad to see it gone.
