It was decent

Watched the pilot episode. I enjoyed it for what its worth...and that Nikki...yummy, but I see she's only casted for 1 episode, bummer. But ill stick aroumd for the long haul, at least its much better then that garabage Taxi/cop show....even though I love Leigh....but I digress....


How did you manage to see the pilot? I'm pretty sure Nicky Whelan will be a regular in the show. And perv question- was there any nudity from her in the pilot?


Pilot has been online for a few days, don't bother though it is truly awful.
No nudity either to liven it up a bit.


First episode has been available for free on Amazon Instant Video and iTunes here in the U.S. for a few days now. I just gave it a spin yesterday.


I also see where IMDb has Nikky Whelan cast for one and only one episode even though other actors are shown as appearing in as many as 8 episodes at this time. You also cannot find her name in the list of cast and crew unless you request the full listing. I think it's very possible that they might bring her back later on in the series, unless they kill her off in E01. So get those begging, pleading, but always polite messages prepared to send off to the network, director, producer and whomever else you think might have the pull you need.

Shauna & Ms. Phoebe, my God-given Happy Pill


It has been renewed for a 13 episode second season that probably why. But only having 1 episode for season 1 is a huge red flag for me. They should have kept the additional episodes under a season 1 label. i wont give it a try until season 2 completes if it even makes it half that far. There is a huge action spy hole left by Burn Notice and i don't think Matador is the filling.


Someone has made a mistake here and I don't think you've caught on yet. I received an email notice from IMDb indicating that you had left a reply to my comment. If your comment is a reply to my comment, you certainly did not read my comment correctly! My reference to one episode only has to do with the listing of Nicky Whelan. Although, when I went to see if things were still status quo, I noticed that the page has been updated (now the lead actor shows he's in 9 instead of 8 episodes, and Ms. Whelan's name has moved way up from the very bottom).

So, if you are downgrading this show due to your misunderstanding of my comment, please don't. Besides, you should only make negative statements about a show after you've watched it, so go and watch E01.

If you have any other questions, please contact your therapist, your attorney or the neighborhood priest.

Shauna & Ms. Phoebe, my God-given Happy Pill


Nicky = Nikky

Lo siento . . .

Shauna & Ms. Phoebe, my God-given Happy Pill


I was not downgrading the show just posted to let you know it had been picked up since IMBD was not updated at that time. Since you seemed to like the show I thought i'd say that. I understood what you were refering to, I was onto a different thought of what from I read elsewhere stated it was a one episode season. Which is silly to me but if the info I read was incorrect then good I'd happily be wrong. I had previewed the show, but one need not to watch all of something to know if you love it, like it, think it's just ok, or hate it.

Just cause I talked about something else does not mean I didn't read your comment. The actor listings are not even on my radar as I have no seen any of them on tv before. I feel you misunderstood what I was saying, so if I followed your theory then you didn't read my comment correctly either. It is pretty obvious from other comments and from what I watched of it that this show is not as good as another show in the genre. But that doesn't mean it could not get better as it develops. It's what I think my opinion is no less valid then yours.

I did not insult you, yet you act as if I did. If you take a statement about a show as a insult then I apologize. However, telling me to contact a therapist or priest is insulting. Your comment had no effect on my viewpoint of this show, I'm baffled thats what you thought.


Probably one of the wurst(get it?) episodes I've ever seen. Jesus Christ, that was bad. Since I'm an avid football(soccer)-fan I really wanted to like it, but *beep* no. The small parts that were about football weren't even realistic. Enforcer, dancer wtf. Nobody uses terms like that in football. If you want to make a show that centers around football, please understand the game.

I don't even want to talk about the rest of the episode. Mainly bad acting, terrible writing and as forementioned lousy understanding of football. Will give this show another shot purely since it centers around football, but if it doesn't pick up that's it for me.

reply could be wurst



I actually enjoyed it. I mean first off, you are expecting realism out of a show that isn't meant to be real at all. I mean do you all seriously think organizations within America run like that? Really?

I think the problem with the whiners is that they watch stuff that isn't meant to be "reality based" and whine about it for the sake of whining.

I bet they watch The Strain and whine about how Vampires in that don't look like Kate Beckinsale and it pisses them off.


Well look how casinos are run. It is only recently that they haev figured out it is far easier to fleece shareholders and make money than fleecing every walkin. Lake Tahoe must stink when they ever dredge it up.

