When suddenly...

Now I am not a nitpicker. In fact I regularly berate nitpickers here. But here I am enjoying, on a passive level, his spy show. And suddenly we discover the main objective is a virus. And the main villain has spend huge sums of money and broken many laws to locate this.

This all started from a legend to explain why an ancient culture were wiped out.
The legend refers to the source as a god;s venom. So disease is a reasonable guess.
That still leaves virus or bacteria. If it is bacteria they are *beep* out of luck. It died in the statue.

Even if it truly is a virus, why assume any of the tons of antiviral meds we have invented since one or more of them wouldn't cure it? Or that the plethora of antibodies we have acquired these last few centuries wouldn't effect it.

Seems a lot of expense and trouble on a lot of ifs. Especially as it doesn't come with a cure so if it as lethal as the legend suggests it would be idiotic to ever use it.

- I'm not sure if I should.
- Then you're not sure if you shouldn't.


It doesn't make sense no matter how you look at it, it's such a stupid story idea. Now, this episode was actually the first I saw of Matador after I red the synopsis somewhere, wich went like the one on here:

DEA agent Tony Bravo is recruited by the CIA to participate in tryouts for the LA Riot in order to spy on the team's corrupt owner.

Sounded great, I love soccer, I like the puplic figure / secret agent angle. But this is just too far out there, it's like they just brainstormed show-ideas and then mixed it all together to some incoherent mess. Most of the charcters are super campy, but some are very serious. Some aspects are treated in a realistic sense, others would have been too much for a bond movie. The acting is as all over the place as the writing. And I guess I would need to watch more of the earlier episodes, but the soccer story seemed to have nothing to do with anything.
Back to your virus point: Obviously it's idiotic. When this virus was supposebly spreading, some european flu would have wipped out the continent, nothing that old would have any value as a biological weapon. Crossing some of the deadly diseas of today and some bioengineering would have been way more cost-efficient and would actually get you somewhere.


It would have been better if they stuck with the cliched gang boss, then at least it would have had some sort of realistic element.
