Ranch drama

That guy should not have threatened to shoot the dog. He should have just shot the dog. If a dog bites your infant 3 times and hospitalizes him, you kill it.

The wife is a psychopath and kept characterizing her husband as the one who needed to wake up. Any woman who would put the life of her dog above her own child is worth divorcing.

In the end, I saw the act of healing in the relationship. An act. Those two will be back to arguing in no time. She thought that HE finally changed, proving that SHE did not. It is her way or divorce. The dog will bite again. There will be a divorce.

Always a basket case owner at the root of these dog's problems. Often the one at fault is blaming the other spouse. Glaring example in this ep.


If the husband went to any judge and said "I need full custody of my child because my wife's bulldog has bitten him three times requiring surgery and hospitalization and the dog went for my son's throat recently but my wife equates the life of the dog with the life of our son and won't let me get rid of it", I don't see him having any trouble getting it, and I have a sneaking suspicion the wife secretly would be ok with it.


That guy should not have threatened to shoot the dog. He should have just shot the dog. If a dog bites your infant 3 times and hospitalizes him, you kill it.

That was a powerful episode where Cesar proved how wrong that idea would be. You, like most people in our sick and destructive society, are only thinking in terms of the symptom not cause. If they destroyed the dog,the symptom, they never would have seen the truth of themselves or their relationship and how that relationship will not only affect pets but their child as it grows up there. The couple is far from being alone in having relationship and communication issues. Stop being so judgmental.


Agreed. The wife is insane. She claims her dog is family and therefore they can't get rid of him. However, her husband is expendable because she is willing to divorce him because of the dog. She's choosing her dog over her husband. Is her husband not considered family? Absolutely baffling.


They both needed help, and I believe they got it as far as the dog is concerned. They still need some therapy, as a couple or as individuals. Will they do it? I doubt it, seeing how life on a farm is work all around, no vacations, no sick leave.

 Hide the rum! 


Wife was definitely a sociopath. She didn't see the value of either her child's safety or marriage as being more important than animals, which is usual for animal people. But, Cesar did a stellar job fixing the situation.


"Wife was definitely a sociopath."



Saw that episode and the follow up. This family got a powerful, stubborn breed and created a chaotic environment. Tolerating the three times the kid went to the hospital is unacceptable, but it is not the dog's fault. They should have gotten help BEFORE any of that. They let the situation escalate, a situation they created.

The up side is there was a follow up on TOP of the follow up of this episode. The family completely reworked how they did things, putting the dogs on a schedule same as the horses. You can see the dogs are now calm and mellow, and the little kid is as much a leader as the parents. They keep at it day after day. The dogs are workers at the training center, help train the horses, and are safe. The wife said she completely disconnected from how she trained horses to what to do with dogs, and as soon as she changed it and created a schedule/structure to work with the dogs every single day, things were fine. If you see the follow up you can see it's true. They are total ranch dogs now with an exercise program, a schedule, training schedule, etc.


how does a kid show up at a hospital three times from dog bites, so severe as to need surgery, and Child Protective Services and/or the 'animal cops' of the jurisdiction not be involved? did the parents lie about the nature of the child's injuries? these days, social workers seem to be called if a kid comes in with a simple broken arm, and a viable reason for it, just to make sure it's not an abuse situation, interviews are done, etc.
