MovieChat Forums > The Wil Wheaton Project (2014) Discussion > How is he using Skeletor from He-Man?

How is he using Skeletor from He-Man?

I am kind of curious as to how he is using the Skeletor from the 80's He-Man series? I find it funny when he reads the twitter feed, however I am surprised that whoever owns the Character rights would allow it considering how iconic Skeletor is. I know most character rights are protected, I just it funny that the owners of Skeletor would allow their character to be used in such manner.


No doubt they have made a deal with the owners. Regardless of how, I am glad they did it because Skeletor is one of the best parts of the show.

With great power comes great responsibility.


I know most character rights are protected, I just it funny that the owners of Skeletor would allow their character to be used in such manner.

What the heck, Dude?

"In such a manner?" You act like they are crapping on the character-- It's not like they're using him in porn!

Wil Wheaton actually has a fan-base of people who followed his blogs & read his online articles for years, before someone decided he was popular enough to make a show around him. He is a huge sci fi nerd who loves talking about sci fi, has a lot of friends in the business... he starred in Star Trek: TNG, one of the most popular sci fi shows of all time. You're acting like he's Howard Stern and a bunch of people think he's gross & offensive, or something.

Nobody has thought about or wondered about the show 'He-man' for YEARS. I am sure the owners of the character are just glad someone wants to pay them to use their character again, after all this time.

Have you ever heard of 'Space Ghost: Coast To Coast"? It was a goofy 90's show that took an old, forgotten cartoon-character from the 70's and made him popular again. I am sure the owners of He-man would LOVE it, if their character got popular again as a result of being used on this show, & they could start selling tee shirts and stuff.

That's the "manner" in which they are letting him be used.

Sometimes fires don't go out when you're done playin' with them.


Thanks for the info fanboy, now that you schooled me on how Skeletor is being used you can continue to JO to Will Wheaton and watch bad TV in your parents basement Harvey Midnight.


allenja7 wrote:

Thanks for the info fanboy, now that you schooled me on how Skeletor is being used you can continue to *beep* to Will Wheaton and watch bad TV in your parents basement Harvey Midnight.

That was a childish overreaction.

So I don't agree with you that Skeletor belongs on some kind of pedestal, or that his creators wouldn't want to use him for comedy--- I was a little bit sarcastic in my reply; but no, I did not insult you nor belittle you in any way, in my prior post.

You just blew a gasket, because I don't like a cartoon character as much you do-- like you're ten years old! You're this touchy about Skeletor, you sure have no room to criticize anybody else for being a "fanboy".

Sometimes fires don't go out when you're done playin' with them.


SUPERB, HarveyMidnight.


I'm thinking that his use of Skeletor is covered under parody law, but I'm no soulless lawyer.


I believe that the phrase "use Skeletor is that manner" was more a reference to the character being used outside of the He-Man universe and in a parody manner. Clearly, the rights to use Skeletor (which is one of the funniest parts of the show) had to have been purchased in order for the bit to be broadcast.

Parody generally covers when the mocking is going on within the universe, such as if Skeletor was mocking He-Man; however in this case Wil is using the character to mock people's tweets which is NOT parody in "this" universe. Confusing, I know, but there it is.
