I understand why....(spoiler)

They chose to have Calvin's son decide on his own not to go with the gang, instead of having Calvin getting there and talking him out of it, but it seemed kind of unrealistic. Would a gang in real life have let a recruit just say no to them like that without consequences? Either way, I'm glad the kid didn't get killed, though it was tragic about the other kid who got killed.

"The storm cannot be stopped, but it can be survived.'"


I think it established that after all the trouble Calvin's son got into, he still had good judgement that he wouldnt go along with the gang. Yeah, he was lucky, but I think most gangs use fear and scare tactics to recruit impressionable young boys. It took a lot of courage for Calvin's son to stand up to them. We didnt know what he told them, but maybe his father's personality came out and let them know.

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They want to show that Calvin has changed, has learned to appreciate what he has, and has goodness within him. They don't want him to end the movie as the same brat who hates his father earlier on.

Oh yes it's Laaarry Holmes/and the feeelin's right/Oh yes it's Laaarry Holmes/what a fight
