MovieChat Forums > Phantasm: Ravager (2016) Discussion > Finally watched this today and...

Finally watched this today and...

...while i was definitely disappointed i didn't think it was nearly as horrid as some posts have led me to believe.I won't go into detail about the films flaws such as low budget,subpar acting and really bad FX because there are enough posts covering those.I'll just say what i liked.

Angus Scrimm,despite his advanced age and lack of screen time,was as always awesome as the Tall man.If they ever do a remake i can't imagine any one else playing that role.He really made it his own.Also loved the lady in lavender cameo.I thought the way she slowly levitated toward Reggie in that dreamlike ghostly way in the mortuary was the creepiest scene in the movie.

I didn't think the narrative was as incoherent or confusing as most claim.At least not to me.If you accept the parallel universe theory with multiple timelines presented by Mike and that dementia Reggies mind in an altered state was somehow able to connect with his other self in another timeline then it makes sense to me.The only thing that confused me was how the hell Chunky survived that blast and how Jodi was back since the Tall man turned him into a sphere.


I suppose we'll never know how Jody came back. The end of this film takes place ten years after Oblivion. A number of things could have happened.

This franchise deserves more attention than it ever got. It's so creative and unique. This is a franchise that I would have welcomed 7 or 8 sequels like the slashers of the 80's.


I agree.The Tall man is as much a horror icon to me as Jason Freddy and all the others yet he never seemed to get nearly as much praise or attention as them.I would have loved to have seen where more sequels would have taken the story.Unfortunately with the 18 year gap between this and Oblivion and Scrimm being gone now the most were going to get is an inferior formulaic Hollywood remake.



The originals a classic and 2 through 4 were quality films as far as i'm concerned.Most of Ravagers failings stem from the lack of budget not the film makers.I think they did the best they could with what little money they had.



...Except this one. I don't know what it was about this one, perhaps it was the constant jumps from one reality to another. As always though, Mr. Scrimm was spot on. I really wanted to like this one, but after watching it, I was left feeling confused and disappointed.


Sorry guys that was supposed to be a new topic titled "I loved all these movies..."


yeah not even the commentary track on the bluray explains why Jody is back. they just say the trio is back. Jody is back in his rightful place behind the wheels. the deleted scenes use terrible place holder special effects and they were some of the scenes you see during the credits. they left in place holder effects in the actual film.

while don wants to leave it up to the phans to come up with their own theories, Hartman pretty much tells us what he had in mind. there are 3 realities side by side. Possibly others we haven't seen. You've got Reg 1,the reg we've been following from part 4. Reg 2, who starts the movie in the desert and Reg 3 who is in the hospital. 2 and 3 merge when they both enter the dimensional gates and 1 merges when he's taken off that table. hartman talks about the machinery and gateway that reg's head is placed between allowing him to see possibly other versions of himself. after this all 3 Reggie's keep jumping from one dimension to another.

the only scene not directed by Hartman is the one where they show Mike sewing his head back up. that was done by Mike and his own crew somewhere in Texas.
