How to continue this...

As we all know, this is the last of the Phantasm movies as old Angus Scrimm has passed. But, for the sake of would things go from here if another was considered?

I feel that the series has gone as far as it possibly can go, and Mike, Reggie, and Jody have ultimately failed to stop Tall Man. But Ravager did bring up a way to continue things. There are multiple dimensions, with multiple Tall Mans. Since Tall Man could easily look different if he wanted to if we were to reboot the timeline. He has shown the ability to shapeshift and appear as whatever he wants. I believe we would see Tall Man emerge in a new body, and that Reggie and Mike would cross dimensions and warn their past selves of the Tall Man. We would see things go very differently, with possibly Mike and Reggie dying and the torch being passed to new versions of their past selves. The series would continue with a new audience with new stories passed onto other directors. Possibly even new heroes.


Technically you are correct, there is no reason that the Tall Man couldn't morph into a new shape/body and possibly he did that all the time. Maybe his physical body ages like normal humans and after it dies he becomes something new. Of course this begs the question, why would the body age at all since he could continue to morph into a younger version of himself.

The fact is that Phantasm is over and the only way it's coming back is through a reboot which from what I read Don's not interested in. However if the right deal comes along, personally I believe he will sell the rights to the franchise. He would essentially be given a lot of money for something he's done with.



Well Nux, you know the kind of people that make reboots have no problem sh!tting all over the original. I don't think true fans would accept it. I probably wouldn't. I guess it's possible that it could turn out ok with the right writers and director but I seriously doubt it.



I still say as long as the original cast from the end of V can come back again, I say continue it... but now that they are all TOGETHER... they collectively jump through an unseen gate and find the Tall Man has been replaced by James LeGros's Mike... complete with a Gold Sphere in HIS head... and the only way to attempt to defeat HIS clones is for OUR Mike to somehow control 3 of the large floating spheres overhead to shoot into at least 3 different gates to start the destruction of the Red Planet... With a climax to that point. But then at the very end have a gate appear on the outskirts of a town and simply have a silver sphere fly out of it... towards another inhabited decent-sized city. OR have another mortician slip into what is left of the Red Planet... see him be attacked by a sphere... and then the sphere controlling HIM from inside his head. I really think there's more to the spheres than we all think. I think they're more than just 'evil' instruments of death with more than just one function each... Yeah, LeGros will never come back... and we're left with nothing but phan-based stories... but yet... here we are.

But seeing LeGros as the villain just seems.... fitting in some way. Even though I actually liked him as 'older' Mike in II.

3rd generation American from a long line of Gottscheers... it was Drandul, dude!


The fact is that Phantasm is over and the only way it's coming back is through a reboot which from what I read Don's not interested in. However if the right deal comes along, personally I believe he will sell the rights to the franchise. He would essentially be given a lot of money for something he's done with.

If the money allows for a new Don Coscarelli movie I'm ok with it (I don't have to watch the remake if I don't want to). Unless he wants to keep going with Phantasm, but I can't see him replacing Angus.


If the money allows for a new Don Coscarelli movie I'm ok with it

Don has said many times that this is it. There will never be another Phantasm movie from him.


I know (but, never say never), I ment another new Don Coscarelli movie, not Phantasm related. I like what he does, I wish he had more movies and I know he has trouble getting funding for his projects.


The original film has a weird sort of perfect chemistry which even the sequels weren't able to properly re-capture, a remake has no chance.

I'm not apposed to a remake either, Or a remake / reboot thing which is popular at the moment, but i don't think it'll work.


I wonder if they filmer more footage of the tall man.enough footage for part 5.maybe there's a possibilly they already filmed part 5 as well. Maybe its just wishful thinking on my part but I could be right
