Archie Radler

I absolutely adored this character. Those of you who are familiar with the true story here - was he real or simply invented as an anchor character, a way to connect the town with the manor, and a way to ferry important information to the Mottorsheads? He seemed almost too perfect to be believable.

Loved the actor who played him too, Tom Hardman. I keep seeing him on some American commercial, but it's completely driven out of my mind just what it is he's advertising. He has some fun videos up on YouTube as well -- one in particular is a quick scene from Shakespeare's All's Well That Ends Well. He's doing a monologue in the character of Parolles. Now, I never would have envisioned Tom Hardman in the character of Parolles -- I always think of Parolles as a big, blustering, swaggering man -- but Hardman is really terrifically funny and makes a thin, weedy Parolles completely believable.

You owe it to yourselves to see this:
