I'm a devout believer in Jesus as Messiah.

I am a fan of O'Reilly.

I read majority of the book and liked it for the most part.

That being said, this movie was pretty terrible. It felt like a disjointed mess. It was uninspired and downright dull.

Bill O'Reilly said many times during the height of the book's success that one of the things that fascinated him most about Jesus was that a man who was born and lived in that part of the world during that time period who only preached for 2.5-3 years and ended up being killed became the most well known and influential historical figure in the history of the world.

I can tell you one thing, if Jesus' life actually played out as it is portrayed in this movie, no one would have remembered who Jesus of Nazareth was a year after he was killed. There was nothing special about Bill's version of Jesus...nothing special at all.

I guess it comes down to the fact that if you are trying to answer the question of why Jesus is so special in the earth's history you can't get a clear answer if you aren't willing to look at the whole picture: his humanity and his divinity. Those two parts of him aren't oil and water they're peanut butter and jelly LOL.

=Last time I taught, I was like Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society...by which I mean I got fired=


I could not agree with you more. I had such high hopes for this, especially as an admirer of O'Reilly. But it turned out to be an unmitigated colossal bore --- nothing uplifting, nothing moving (althogh some of the music had its moments.) Jesus did not emerge for even a nano-second as one who could inspire love and devotion.) The dialogue was stilted, pompous and from time to time a throwback to the idiotic sand and spear epics of the 50s. And Herodias!!! She morphed from monster to Long Island Fashionista cavorting with a sexy but emasculated Antipas. They provided unintended comic relief.
Nothing comes close to Zefferelli's beauty --- that hit all the right notes. But this --- oy vey!!


You disliked this work of genius because an Arab played Jesus . And that's the only reason.

My name is Lewis Findlay. I am a holocaust denier from Savannah Georgia


I agree, I did not like the portrayal of Jesus at all in this movie. He acted shocked when John the Baptist told him of his destiny. In all other portrayals and even the Bible speaks of Jesus visiting the wise men prior to his birth (i.e. he knew he was coming and what his mission was). This version while seeming very much humanistic had zero divinity about him. More David Keresh"ish" than Jesus. IMO
