MovieChat Forums > Killing Jesus (2015) Discussion > Casting Call for the role of Jesus

Casting Call for the role of Jesus

My recommendations are:

Nicolas Cage
Adrien Brody
Wes Bentley
Rodrigo Santoro
Joe Manganiello
Skeet Ulrich
Andrew Lincoln
Oded Fehr
Brandon Routh
Taylor Kitsch


Nicolas Cage cannot play Jesus. I know that in "Con air", havin a long hair he looked a little like Jesus...but that is all; he has a comic side in him that doesn't allow him to play such a tragic character.


Jared Leto....he's kinda rocking the Jesus look nowadays anyway.

Whose idea was it for the word "Lisp" to have an "S" in it?


Get outa my head...that is what I was going to say.


Hmm, only one person of color in that list? What does that say about you? Smdh

I am just glad that they went with someone who is closer to what Jesus most likely looked like, which is modern day Arab. Haaz Sleiman is a good choice. The days of the lily white Jesus portrayal are hopefully over, thankfully.

It's a near zero possibility that Jesus even remotely resembles the portraits that hang in catholic churches, which is widely known to be a portrait of Cesare Borgia.


A person of color?
Get over yourself.


While ALY may be a little over-zealous in his/her attempt to make a point... the point does carry some weight. Most likely, Jesus of Nazareth was a person of color... basically, not the tanned white guy we often see portrayed.

And it IS important when we chronicle the lives of real people, to not misrepresent history. Because, when we write "Based on True Events.. or a True Story" we are declaring to be honest about the story being told.

This is why so many people were upset with the EXODUS cast and even more so with hearing that Angelina Jolie may play the lead role in CLEOPATRA.

And if majority groups wish for minority groups to not "complain about every little thing", then it's just to be sure we don't lie about their past. Otherwise they have complete justification for their complaints... oh, and it isn't nice either.


Cleopatra was actually Angelina would be far from the worst possible casting choice there. Certainly not deserving of public outcry


"Cleopatra was actually Greek"

If this was actually the case, then Jolie may be able to justify her role. Learn something new everyday...


Also, Cleopatra is known to have not been classically beautiful. She was extremely intelligent and wise beyond her years (she was a teenager!)
As far as portrayals of her, no one will ever top Elizabeth Taylor, except for Claudette Colbert. Neither are anywhere appropriate casting, but both are SO beautiful and queenly!

The actress who played Cleo on hbo's Rome was an interesting take. She was very young but still super hot and sexed up. Real Cleo definitely used sex as a manipulation tool. I hope Angelina does her justice and doesn't just sit around sucking her cheeks in and getting naked. the Queen deserves to finally be portrayed as the brilliant mind she was.

(I'm an armchair Egyptologist btw. Read way, way too many books on this topic; most of the current opinions about the Queen are along these lines. Also, the rolled up in a carpet gag didn't actually happen, but it makes for great film!)


There are plenty of light skinned Jews and after all, Jesus was a Jew.

Yea, Tho I Walk Thru The Valley Of The Shadow Of Political Correctness...🇺🇸


Haaz was great as Jesus, but I bet you're fine with Judas being played by a lily-white Irishman, right? Racist.


I honestly think that any time they want someone in the role they should just hold open auditions in the middle east. Everyone only ever cares about the "look" and not the talent anyway. The guy could be mute and a crappy actor as far as people care, as long as he's non-white.


Spot on


Oded, rawrrrrr! He is too good looking, that would be a huge distraction for me ?

