Sh!t Sandwich

As a Western, crap. As an action film, crap. As a film, crap.

Gravely voiced, worn out, badass gunslinger with a pet dog "just passing through" the Valley of Violence has run-in with baby-faced, teenage badass and a sheriff with the worst accent ever in the history of crap westerns.

F( )cking awful.



Totally agree. I rode this train wreck to the awful end, despite correctly knowing what the outcome would be. The dialogue is the worst I've heard, since the movie Drive. Did Hawke or Travolta even read the script, before they signed ? This was like trying to polish a turd.


I bailed about 20 minutes in and then skipped around to see if anything unexpected happened.

Did Hawke or Travolta even read the script, before they signed ?

As a matter of fact, I know for a fact that a lot of even B-list actors who sign on to low budget films tend to show up still not "off book." If you're an A-lister in a low budget film, forget it. I don't know who coaxed Hawke and Travolta into doing this, but someone got fellated, that's for sure.

"A mysterious drifter...
named Paul."




"As a western, crap. As an action film, crapp. As a film, crap."

Howdja feel about it as a comedy . . .?

I couldn't decide if it should've been made more comical . . . or lose the more comedic spots and be more dramatic . . .

The dog certainly stole the show - too bad the best character gets killed off so soon . . .

As an homage to spaghetti-westerns, it was ok.

Not a 'keeper' tho.


Meh, it's just a really poorly written and directed film. I doubt any form of genre fudging would have helped it based on the awful writing and that amateurish dialog. It never occurred to me that it was a homage to anything because it was just sh!t.

