Any info on who the humans are?

Any info on who the humans are?. Are they the same ones from Transformers Prime?. I ask because I heard early on it would be a continuation of sorts from the last series with less violence.


I don't think we know yet. Aside from that kid in the teaser trailer, they haven't shown us any other humans so far, and we don't even know what his name is.

It would be awkward if the series completely ignored the humans from the previous show. I can imagine them having cameos at some points, which would be cool, but if they're really trying to distance the show from TF Prime that much, than maybe they won't be appearing at all.


I could see them doing what Energon did after Armada; Brad, Carlos, and...That other chick, who I forget, aged considerably, and they had cameo roles throughout the series. Don't get me wrong; They had episodes where they had a significant presence, but the shift of the 'human companion' was shifted towards Kicker. I doubt we'll see Raf, Miko, or Jack return in a STARRING capacity like they did in Prime. I do, however, think we may be seeing them a decent bit, since this seems to be, as others said, less violent, and more aimed towards kids. I really don't know how I'm gonna' feel...

I enjoyed Prime's overall presentation. However, not to digress, I could see Raf making more appearances than Jack or Miko, since he was Bumblebee's human partner. Fowler, too, maybe. I do, however, agree with the above posters -- I don't think they'll outright ignore the characters, but I don't think they'll be returning in any true capacity beyond occasional appearances. I think it would be stupid to ignore the continuity there.


Given the significant amount of time that Prime spent on the 'Bots-humans relationships, it would suck if they ignored it entirely, though Hasbro has said that the show's less of a sequel and more of a spin-off that's in-continuity with Prime. So I dunno, hopefully we'll at least get some references.

At worst, the creators will just mention that "this and that happened to them" on fan conventions and leave them completely out of the show.
