MovieChat Forums > The Diabolical (2015) Discussion > The only thing I didn't get.. Spoilers a...

The only thing I didn't get.. Spoilers abound

Well, that's not exactly true, there's two things that are bugging me. The first is the whole "not being able to go outside becuz we've been touched by the man from the future.." That's never explained and it just seems like a big gaping plot hole...

But mainly my question is this: I get that the guy coming back was the son from the future, and that the mother went back with him, obviously they treated her wounds (and maybe did other things to her, as others have pointed out she did seem kinda different..) but anyways, since she teleported back does that mean that she's going to flicker in and out like the other dude? Or is she back for good?

Another thought- Even though they make it seem like the guy doesn't recognize his own family til the end, that's apparently not true. He told them to run at one point early in the movie, perhaps because he realized that as the experiment went on he would end up completely losing it and hurting them. Plus that dialogue from the little girl early on when she's talking to him alone, she says "she doesn't think you're you" (referencing the mother)or something to that effect, so she must have known he was her brother.

Far from the best movie I've ever seen, but I certainly liked it better then most of the posters on this board lol. 5.5/10


I have the exact same questions...


same. but also like... the reason the kid gets hurt is the future him hurts himself...the reason he bombs the place and becomes a prisoner is because of that night, getting really upset about his hes transporting to his own home...because for some unknown reason it coincidentally is THAT house on the street they want to start with buying for the in the original story line they obviously effing buy the house..

aaaaand ? wouldnt the family just leave once they were bought out---and be ok in the end anyways?

if you think about it the ENTIRE MOVIE/PLOT makes no sense to begin with. its a time travel thing happening to the for no reason at all that logically makes sense. it starts and begins nowhere really. and yeah all the questions everyone else has were not answered.

i get where they trying to go with this......but..... i think even the writers got confused and just left it "ambiguous" or maybe realized after all the writing oh shi* this actually makes no sense to begin with but we wrote a whole script so lets go ahead and just make the movie, noone will notice the gaping holes everywhere...? i liked that it tried to be different and i like scifi but this is too unanswered and messy

And to bring up things that made no sense that i haven't seen others bring up yet

1- the sister believed for quite awhile it was her brother but says NOTHING to her mom or brother.

2- the "haunting" they thought it was/time travel obviously was going on for awhile because they all recognized it and i think at some point mentioned how long, but it was months apparently------ok?'re ALL seeing and hearing crazy things and not leaving right're just staying....then they say they are staying because of the burns that happened but damn what about the months before?? ya couldnt leave then?

3- i think the reason he kept going back was to tell himself in the past what he knows happens. he wasnt trying to hurt anyone but they were all attacking him so he was defending himself. at the end in the basement he is looking around and got nostalgic but he didnt step on his tutor he stepped on the policeman. he pushed his mom out of the way, as then approched himself not hayley. so when little him attacks him with the axe of course he defends think about this.....the entire time he was "having conversations with hayley" his mom even said she heard hayley talking to him all the time..........he could have been telling himself what was going on so that little him could tell his mom/tutor and fixed stuff in the past because help me if im wrong but you cant fix stuff when you're in the future...its the future its already happened. FUTURE HIM was the only one who could fix shi* so WTF!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL .does anyone not see this?? hayley did say to him "youre scaring mom she doesnt know you're you" so he DID know who he was and what he was doing. stupid.


In my opinion it was more a coincidence that it was THAT BOY who was an experiment and made it through the portal in one piece. The house is a staple, it doesn't matter the house because it has to happen to someone but the coincidence lies in it happening to a boy who is known for flying off the handle. He ends up jailed from trying to bomb the company responsible for his experience and in the end becomes a test subject.

1. The sister thought the test subject was her DAD, I think the resemblance confused her. And she did mention it to her family, they both told her it wasn't her father.

2. I totally agree, if I saw some stuff like that and came to the realization that I wasn't the only one in the house that could see it, I'd be GONE! The Mom upset me when she told her son she was handling it, ummm, your children are obviously creeped out and need a safe place to be. I'm thinking money was an issue but she could of gone to a shelter while trying to sell the home.

3. SHE (Haley) was having conversations with him, we don't know if he was talking to her back. I'm thinking most of the time he was in a fog, not only from whatever the experimenters were doing to him (the guard at the end said they were scrambling his brain) but also from traveling through the wormhole. You see the experience through the eyes of the mother when she goes through, and when she arrives she is extremely dazed. He didn't have much time because the method of travel wasn't stable and couldn't shake his daze. Towards the end it seemed to have gotten better though because he was able to stay longer, hence the coming to in the basement.


About being housebound, I'm thinking it might have something to do with the portal closing, we never saw her let the children out past the steps after that. For all we know if she had let the doctor test them outside everything might of been fine. I'm assuming that because the same thing happened with the scientist she had read about online, he was unable to leave after some experiments, which are assumed to be in relation with what is going on in that house.

Now the flicker thing, I think the reason that the company was unable to successfully transport was because of an unstable timeline. Now I'm still working this theory out and can't explain it fully, time traveling is one of the most confusing things for me, but I'm thinking it had to do with her going to the future to stop it all. I'm not positive though, it still could be a plot hole. Or maybe she stayed until they were able to stabilize the portal? We don't know how long she was there, definitely not long enough to age, but when she was sent back to her children and bf it wouldn't of seemed long at all.

About the little girl knowing him, she didn't think he was her brother, she though he was her dad. I imagine Jacob would grow up to look like his father and that she was confused by the resemblance. She even had told her family she thought it was her father and they shot it down saying it wasn't him.

Future Jacob communicating with his family in the beginning was more than likely from a momentary lapse from the fog brain they (the experimenters) put him in, same with the end where he recognizes where he is at.


As someone in another thread pointed out, in the original timeline everything was probably fine. But when the experiments started the scientists, who thought they were teleporting people, didn't realize they were actually sending people back in time to a point before the house was sold and the family moved.
This would have created a different timeline in which Jacob's mother died and would explain why Jacob is now the traveler.
Or so I gather.


Well it is based on a premise that ghosts are simply time travel events. Trying to remove any type of spiritually, religious context of ghosts.

But the rules for time travel don't make any sense.

So, if in the original timeline, they saw a bunch of deformed time travelers, then sold the house to the time travel corp and moved away. Then it makes no sense that grown boy would attack the company and get sentenced and join the program.

