MovieChat Forums > The Diabolical (2015) Discussion > Why couldn't they leave the house?

Why couldn't they leave the house?

The only thing that makes sense after watching the film is due to the film taking a linear approach to time travel, and the family leaving the house would completely fubar the timeline. Thoughts?


Yea.... Once the timeline was synced the house was locked into that timeline. I don't understand why the mom could leave though. I guess it was more so the kids but it wasn't fully explained as far as I recall. The movie was interesting but it felt like a part 1 of a trilogy or something.

I didn't quite understand the end. I'm guessing the mom didn't come back originally or something. The son then never forgets about it and in the future is sent back there, but for what purpose exactly? As torture? I just overall didn't quite get it.


Like a lot of time travel movies it just didn't seem like they thought it through too well. The obvious solution to the entire issue is that the family leave the 'haunted house'... but nope, then you wouldn't have a movie.

Same thing in 'Time After Time'... a much better movie but completely undone if H.G. Wells realizes he could just pop backwards half an hour and take the key out of the machine so Jack the Ripper can't steal it.


At some point in some timeline (headache alert to self) the house was bought by the company, and a lab was built on its grounds. The Future Techs are attempting only teleportation - to that lab, remember the bf's map? - and *not* time-travel. They probably didn't know it was happening.

As for the movie's feeling like the first part of a trilogy; I watched part of the DVD commentary, and there were pretty strong sequel(s)-related hints.


In the original timeline, the son witnesses his mother being killed. He grows up a criminal and then bombs the echo project place. I'm guessing he doesn't succeed because he is then being used in the experiments, assuming for a long time because it scrambles his brains.
So the timeline did change when the mother realized it was him and went back, and then CAME BACK, which fixed the timeline. There's a lot left to interpretation and further watching though....


That's the biggest issue in this film. Normally if I'm confused about something, or want A different opinion on what another viewer perceived, I'll scour the message boards. In this film, I'm seeing A lot of "I'm guessing" this is what happened lol. Nobody (including myself), really understood 100%, what they just watched. Ambiguity side, a lot of people are just left confused. That said, I actually kinda liked the film. I just wish they weren't so vague with major plot points..


Just a guess, but what if, while the mother stayed in the future, she asked the time travel company to send "something hurting" back on that certain night?! Seems almost plausible since they fixed her up and send her (weeks after healing) back in the basement to fix her sons future.


Something hurting? What do you mean?


If you remember when she is looking up their condition on her laptop she reads the article about the scientist not being able to leave his lab. And said once he stopped the experiments he could leave. So something about the teleporting keeps them from leaving. They just flashed it across the screen and didn't focus enough on it.
