
Movie synopsis makes it sounds like it's ripping off The Entity completely.


This piece of garbage was nothing like the entity. I had the displeasure of watching it today and I'll tell everyone to avoid this stinker at all costs.

There's no plot and half way through the film, there's a very poor twist that makes this garbage even worse than it starts out with. This movie is not horror. The crowd in my theater was laughing out loud at the crappy horror scenes because they were so poorly done.



Wait, so it has no plot but still comes up with a plot twist halfway through? That in itself is quite impressive.


lolz. The movie was good. I unfortunately wasn't really paying much attention to it at first, thinking it was a regular run-of-the-mill haunted house crapola, but I started picking up the clues that it might be something else and got curious. I thought it was pretty well done.


I'm thinking this movie flew over your head at Mach 9. It wasn't that hard to understand, made perfect sense, and the ending wrapped things up nicely. The horror was pretty decent too.


Aaaaah did you try audition for this and not make it. How sad for you.


Not as sad as your feeble comment though.


Run on home little troll.


Maybe I am confused, but sounds nothing at all like the Entity that I remember.


It´s really a weird movie. More sci-fi than horror, although it has some creepy moments. It´s not as bad as some people are claiming. At least it tries something new and it´s not the umptenth haunted house movie from James Wan factory.


mucho agreedo. so fresh.

It got all the standard classic horror sh!t done in the beginning and then explored new areas. I think the haters cant handle the fact that the human created concept of afterlife is a bunch of BS; and this movie felt as if it was poking fun in a way at that concept which is always awesome and welcomed, imo. lol


I agree for the most part but it lacked character development and bit loose with the ending. But not a bad movie.


Huh? This http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0082334/ entity? lol watch 1st THEN state opinions. jesus ppl lol


Closer to terminator. It was very not well written. I get a movie challenging you, and you deciding. But it's different all together with plot holes never explained - even vaguely hinted at - and you're left to basically explain or try to in here something that was never written into the script in the first place. IMO this movie is awful for that. Like Ali Larter, the kids were good it was not only badly written but edited awfully and the cgi was laughable. Many people will be disappointed with this turd. But some people like turds and that's ok. If anyone does watch this pay very close attention to everything and you will still be left scratching your head at the end.


Movie synopsis makes it sounds like it's ripping off The Entity completely.

It isn't. It's ripping off The House at the End of Time.


In the DVD commentary, the director refers to The Entity - as an influence, IIRC - and gives it a glowing recommendation. I only watched pieces of this, so can't recall at what point he mentions it. He mentions Terminator, too.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery?
