Easy solution to stop food waste

Here on the other side of the world food is much more expensive if compared to the average salary of a working man. Here's your problem: in the USA food compared to avarege salary is very cheap. Here's the solution: if expenses to food would take half of the money you earn every month, the amount of wasting drops tenfold. Raise the price of food through the roof and magic happens - no more wasting. I don't think we have ever had here such a problem to that kind of extent as depicted in this film, simply due to the reason that food is so much more expensive here.

The second part what should be done is to increase the price not to only household consumers but to food producers, that is - increase the price of the basic elements that make up the food, that can be grown or synthesized. Then the producers will not be that picky and less product goes to waste. If the cost of the basic elements remains cheap then a food producer can discard perfectly good but maybe not so good looking elements without any doubt.


I don't think we watched the same program.

The producers/farmers don't want their product to be thrown away. They want it to be eaten. Its who the sell it too that is picky. And we, as consumers, want something that looks perfect because we think it will taste better.

I think you are on to something with raising the cost of food, but I would add another caveat. How about we raise the cost of processed food, and lower the cost of whole food. There are 2 wonderful organizations here in Phoenix that sell 60 lbs of saved produce for $10. That is where I get about 95% of my produce. Its always what is in season. Its all perfectly fine to eat, and delicious!

