MovieChat Forums > Henry Danger (2014) Discussion > what changes would you make

what changes would you make

Just saw the first episode.
Its an interesting concept, a regular kid somehow gets picked to be a superheroe's sidekick. obviously Schneider wanted to build a series around Justin Beiber look a like Jace Norman, so he came up with his first really high concept Tv Show. since this is unchartered territory for Scneider there will be a sharp learning curve .
one problem is going to be with the Villians,they have to be menacing but not too much so, its a delicate balance, but if your going to have superheroes, you need supervillians. how many good ideas for villains are there, the one in the first episode " The Toddler," was just plain silly. But you have to give Schneider credit who could have made another family sitcom which would have been as simple as pie for him. By adding a grown up(captain man) to the main equation, he is going somewhere he hasn't gone before.
Still there are problems. Not sure they have the right mix with Henry's friends, you have the typical chubby and dumb friend, and a girl, kind of a cross between Sam and Zuri from Jessie. Think the friend situation will be switched up, Henry was way too attached to Jasper, are boys really that attached to their best friends, that they would worry about their friends Birthday party when they could go out adventuring, I could buy it with a girl, like Carly, but not a boy.
Jasper doesn't have much of a personality, and he is cloying and needy, its not fully thought out character, he is more like a cartoon character.
Henry's sister is annoying, weird he went this way with such a major character, and didn't try to find a new Miranda. I guess the sister is not a well thought out character either, she is there to be annoying and at that will serve that position. I only suspect that most of the action will take place in Superhero land, and the less we dwell on the homelike, the less we will not have to answer silly questions, like: " Where is Henry going all the time." The mom doesn't even seem to notice that he is working or even out of the house, and theses days when a mom can use a smart phones that can keep tabs on a child 24 hours a day, it makes things hard to believe.
Of course as we have seen with Sam and Cat the Schneider universe -the schneiderverse, is a cartoony place that only passingly resembles our own, in this Universe Moms let their kids out of the house at all hours, Kids become super hero sidekicks, superheroes exist, and anything that happens no matter how crazy does not have to be explained.


I'd get rid of the sister, or at least make her less of a brat.

I'd also ditch the two friends, and just give Henry a single friend that he has to keep his secret from. Or better yet, the friend ends up falling in with a supervillain and becomes an evil sidekick, so Henry and the other kid have to keep their identities secret from one another.

Since there are no regular Schneider players, I'd get Jerry Trainor or Nathan Kress into the show in a supporting role.

"What kind of scary ass clowns came to your birthday party?"


I'd make Charlotte stop saying, "Am I going to have to slap a boy?" That will get old fast.


Here's the changes I would make, get rid of the whole cast and never make another episode. That would make me happy.


I think all the characters have different blends of personalities which kind of balnaces it out. I don't know what I would change probably definitely the love interests. Whoever casted them especially Bianca did terrible. But Dan Schneider's shows really aren't meant to have a real storyline or anything it's kind of let's make it up episode by episode, which could be good or bad for a show but Dan always makes it work so.


This show has gotten better as time as gone on and I think is actually pretty watchable now. It is a unique concept and different.

The key on any show is the supporting cast and it has not been good. Henry's friends other than Charlotte are not real. Having a sibling who is a brat is a Dan S. trope used in alot of his shows such as Drake & J, Vitorious, even Kenan and Kel a little though the sister was humanized by her crush on Kel.

Captain Man is a hard character to play, because he has to be wooden, goofy, yet somehow believable and it could be done better.

However over time I think the show has figured out what works, which is Henry and Charlotte, and kind of based it on that. Though imagine with a little effort what the show would be with Jerry Trainor as Captain Man, a young Miranda Cosgove as Charlotte, and you would see with better actors this wouuld be a better show.


I don't think Ray works as Jerry Trainor. He's supposed to be a buff and handsome character with a big ego, and Jerry Trainor would not work. Also, Miranda Cosgrove as Charlotte? I'm pretty sure Charlotte is fine the way she is, she's supposed to be a sassy black girl, can't see Miranda Cosgrove playing her. But I agree, I think the show is kind of based on Henry and Charlotte.


Yeah Miranda Cosgrove doesn't make sense as Charlotte like at all. But um no Charlotte isn't supposed to be a "sassy black girl" which is very offensive by the way. Charlotte is supposed to be the reasonable character with common sense that balances out all the cooky personalities on the show, I wouldn't use "Sassy black girl" to describe her.


I have a theory that Bianca is so terrible because she'll be revealed as a villain.
