MovieChat Forums > Proof (2015) Discussion > One Resource Carolyn and Dr. Turing Mig...

One Resource Carolyn and Dr. Turing Might Have Consulted

Is the Near Death Experience Research Foundation (website easily accessible), which has 2300 cases of NDEs on file in multiple languages. The related book "Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near Death Experiences" by radiation oncologist Dr. Jeffrey Long is also available on amazon.

What I am again saying is that there is no need for Carolyn to reinvent the wheel. Does she or Dr. Turing think that one or two cases personally observed is going to trump the thousands of cases compiled by people who have been studying this field for decades, from Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross to actual NDE experiencers like Dr. Eben Alexander?

I realize that the show needs to fictionalize this search to make it personal to the lead character, but given that she does have a full-time career, maybe she or her associates could be shown to have spent an evening or two taking a look at the enormous body of work already compiled.

I'm still waiting for any of the skeptics on this board to account for people who are blind since birth being able to describe in accurate detail not just shapes but colors of objects seen during NDEs, when they do not even dream in color.


Off course TV shows cannot replicate how ppl would act if it was actual in real life.
Then it wouldn't be fictional tv? And ppl want an escape from reality.
And mostly we are like sheep and the networks know this and don't go out of their way to try to nitpick on everything being exactly like what would happen in real life.

Your point can be made for every singe show out there.

My God you're a freak!


And all you have to offer is abuse?


Abuse? LOL I didn't see any abuse. You must consider your supreme expertise on this subject to be unquestionable, as you take offense at anyone who doesn't agree with you. You are most certainly entitled to your opinions and post them here, but your attitude is going to continue to elicit responses that you don't like.


You may be a sheep, but peggygeordie seems quite capable of thinking for herself.


Give me a break. You know what I mean. The whole "oh but why don't they just do this because that's what anyone would do in real life" does not mesh with the fiction and story telling of TV. The networks are not losing viewers because of this either so they don't care and why would they...???.


On the contrary, people behaving in a way they would never behave if they were actual three-dimensional human beings makes for bad fiction and poor storytelling.

Saying "It's just fiction!" is no argument at all. You can have brilliant fiction that moves us and explores the human condition and makes us think and feel something beyond ourselves, or fiction that relies on cliches and stock characters and cares for nothing beyond filling another hour.

The whole premise of this show is that the characters are searching - with a fairly tight timeline - for evidence of life beyond death. I expect them to act like it.

In tonight's episode, they not only ignored what's already out there, they threw away the best new evidence they are likely to get, on the flimsiest of plot devices.


I'm still waiting for any of the skeptics on this board to account for people who are blind since birth being able to describe in accurate detail not just shapes but colors of objects seen during NDEs, when they do not even dream in color.

citation needed :)
