the film

Julie was holding an IPAD, during the viewing of the tape to Ethan's wife. Do you think she might have downloaded a copy?


I'm not sure if there would be enough memory on an IPad to hold that much data. It was so much, they even said it would take 10 years to go through it.

But it's a great idea and I suppose you never know. Good catch.

~Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable~


Guns on television and in movies would often weigh hundreds of pounds based on their ability to fire without reloading. So we can't rule out an Ipad with that kind of memory.


So true Rick. There are only a few guns I shoot for target practice now, and I know how they feel in my hand and how long it takes to reload. It's funny, some of these movies I find myself always counting the shots fired, and how no way that particular gun would hold that many rounds. But I'm no gun expert, so what do I know.

~Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable~


My brother once used a stopwatch and timed the bursts of the hero's weapon in a movie. He then looked up the rate of fire and found it would have had to weigh nearly 200 pounds with that much ammunition.


She was filming the widow's reactions to the images on the screen. Instead of capturing imagery recognition, she captured horror at privacy so thoroughly exposed.


Est modus in rebus sunt certi denique fines quos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum Goldilocks


Because of memory requirements for a file so large they probably uploaded to The Cloud. If so, the local file might have been deleted from the local computer alone.
