MovieChat Forums > Proof (2015) Discussion > Pretty good show, very tough topic

Pretty good show, very tough topic

I feel the show is entertaining, this is a hard subject to deal with without stepping into what many consider fiction.
I have somewhat of a unique perspective on NDE. Over the course of my life I have come close to death over 18 times now, last time was last month.
I am also a genius, only in the bottom 1/3 though, not part of the exceptional or extraordinary categories of this.
I do also have an almost photographic memory, I can go back to the first day in first grade.
When I was 16 my father found me unconscious sitting in my car in front of our house. I was not breathing. He said my head was on the steering wheel and was facing away from the house. I saw him come out the door and run up to the car though.
When you have weighed all possible reasonable explanations for an event sometimes you are simply left with the fact there are some things you just have to accept.


I am not a genius or would say I have a photographic memory. I wouldn't be surprised if my IQ falls somewhere between 80-90 -->so a genius I am not. And I do have a great memory, but sometimes I have trouble recalling if I ate in any given day, but can remember crazy things from years past.

My first memory is of when I was two, while taking a nap with my dad on the living room floor. He worked all night and he was literally passed out from exhaustion. I woke up to a line of people standing on the threshold of the living and dining room, staring at me. Old, young, big, tall---no rhyme or reason--and all strangers. It was only for a few minutes, but there they were...silent and staring.

I don't remember if I was scared or not, but I tried to wake him to no avail. If it were a dream in a dream, I don't know, but I do know this had to of happened before my parent's divorce when I was 2 1/2.

Why am I telling you this? I don't know. I guess it's because certain things in life are so memorable, you just can't forget, explain, or rationalize away. Like you said, you just have to accept. Who cares what people say. Just stay true to who you are and what you believe in.

~Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable~


In the year 2000 I was diagnosed with a thyroid condition. It first was diagnosed in early Feb. and got progressive worse. I underwent 2 radiation treatments and was treated with over a dozen different medications, some of which had very serious side effects. My thyroid had started hardening, like rubber, was shrinking, and had become fused to all of my neck muscles. I was slowly being strangled and it was crushing my vocal chords and esophagus. It got to a point in Early July where I was going blind, could barely speak, and not swallow a pill. Because of the pain I found myself unable to sleep and spent several long nights fighting to simply hold on to my sanity. one period, when I was able to sleep I went back to my first memory, I later shared this with my mother. I told her I was surrounded by darkness, then there was a bright light. I reached out to touch it and it burned my hand. She immediately sat down and said that right after I was born I was placed in an incubator. The doctors had to take me out because I had touched one of the light bulbs with my hand. She had not told anyone else this. My wife finally got a different doctor to examine me on July 9th and he scheduled an operation the morning of the 10th. He had to stop the operation after opening my neck to consult with a doctor in Geneva to try and figure out how to save my life. They had scheduled the OR for 1 hour, it took two doctors over 6 to put me back together and at one point told my wife they gave me a 25% chance of survival.
Things happen for a reason. Up until that point, I had not shared any of my writing with the rest of the world. Five books later I tell people you can not leave this world until your job here is finished. sometimes though, some of us are able to get a small glimpse of what is waiting on the other side.


its not though.
you either believe it or not. you either see it with a religion or science.
Problem is most people bash this kind of theme just... well, just because. They donĀ“t care about the show itself or the acting or whatever, its just another way to bash religion based themes.

For me they are as ridiculous as someone going to a spiderman movie forum saying that men cant jump out of buildings,and its a lie that we can throw webs from our hands.


People bash things mostly because they're afraid of what they don't know. Or, if they do know, they're just afraid to face it--face themselves--face what they've been doing up to this point.

Because if they do, then they would have to be liable for their actions and who really wants that? There's a certain comfort in pretending to be in the dark, especially when you're not alone.

But I don't see it either as religious or science based. It's a form of spirituality that can't really be taught under mortar and stone, but more like felt. Spirituality is not defined by one story or another. It's not a thinking thing, but a feeling thing.

Understandably, it's hard to feel anything, anymore, in the times we live in--because they're cold times. Don't ask questions, just hurry up and do what you're told kind of times. People are loud, the demands of our everyday life are loud on our thoughts, and we get caught up thinking and worrying too much over things we can't control. It's a sad addiction, really. We think of all the things we're not doing, worrying about things yet to come.

If we do get a minute to ourselves, many feel guilty because they're not squeezing one more thing in before bed. Just imagine if we all took a little time to sit under the stars at night and listen to the quietness.

We would all be better off as a species if we just slowed down. Just maybe, we could actually hear the important things for once. Hear what's always been said but drowned out from all the noise around us. More feeling, less thinking is the way to go.

~Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable~
