MovieChat Forums > Proof (2015) Discussion > If TNT cancels rather than renew they'll...

If TNT cancels rather than renew they'll be making a huge mistake

The show had a rocky start but as it went on the characters, specifically, Carolyn had a completely new makeover which made the series a lot more interesting and intriguing. That and the cast in and of itself is brilliant as well as the story so really, for the love of god DON'T CANCEL IT, TNT. 😓

This feels like a series that could last up to 3-4 seasons so hopefully they won't give up on Proof.

Btw, I watch it because it's interesting and entertaining instead of factual scientific studies about life after death.


I think it might be able to go 3 seasons but even that might be a bit "iffy." I don't see this show ever coming up with their "proof." How long can they go on investigating but really getting nowhere? I think that might get tiresome by the end of the third season.

The saga of getting my first novel on Kindle


Which is why 3 or at absolute maximum, 4 seasons would be more than sufficient.

The show's gotta end eventually but not by the first season. 😓


Haven't they already written themselves into a corner with Carolyn already having one foot in this world and one foot in the other? She had to bow out of surgery once and found out her brain is fine physically, but if these flashes between world are happening, how can she hit "reset" to become once again the skeptical scientist in search of "proof." Turing is nearing death and willing to flatline himself to get answers. So it's going to have to transform itself into an entirely different show if it keeps going.

Perhaps Turing dies and still leaves her enough money to quit her day job and do what he asked her to do in the first place - explore the evidence anywhere in the world, but this time as a believer in search of the "proof" that will convince others.


I'm quite confused these days with so many series coming on with the intention of being just one season "television events". Especially with the promos for next weeks episodes teasing that everything will be answered on the finale, sounds almost like they are fixing to tie it all up right then and there - which has an up and down side to it - if it were to be intended as a multiseason show, then it sucks when they cancel on cliffhangers, but it if is a one season show and they tie it up, sorta sucks cuz it has gotten interesting and would be cool to see where else they can take it....
but my gut is telling me that this was one of those one season "events" like wayward pines or dig....


I agree accept I liked it from the start. Especially by the end of the pilot with the green scarf. This show is a great mix of mystery, heart and humor.


This show is a great mix of mystery, heart and humor.


And it's relaxing too.


yes the pace and tone of this series works very well.i hope there will be a season two.
