MovieChat Forums > Proof (2015) Discussion > So Green Scarf Lady is a Psychopomp

So Green Scarf Lady is a Psychopomp

Not nearly as beautiful as being met by one's loving grandmother or spirit guide, but at least her appearance (as we eventually learn) was in keeping with one of the validating features of some NDEs - that the person experiencing it can be met by a relative or friend who the person didn't know was dead.

But here is the question: Carolyn essentially had an experience that thousands of others have had, including a number of doctors, including at least one neurosurgeon. So while it may have finally validated it for her - because there is nothing like personal experience to make you say "But this was real!" - why would her report to Turing convince him, any more than all the other accounts he could easily have accessed?

Because she began as a skeptic? So did Dr. Eben Alexander, who admits he used to patronize his own patients when they tried to make him listen.

Because Turing knows her? Not very well or deeply - and not very scientific as a rationale.

Still, I'm glad they had their moment at the end. If the show is cancelled, we can consider they both had their "proof." And if it's renewed, then she can go forward in her search for more proof with his private, non-corporate money, with no worries about her now non-existent career.


i am sort of hoping it doesn't go on -
the ending while simple was quite impactful - i mean they have their proof in the last moments of the show - it would go way beyond contrived if there was yet more searching for what else now?


I completely agree with this. They got their proof, is all that matters. The only way that they could really go is trying to find that scientific proof, which I personally don't think they should bother with. This makes it more personal.
