Does anyone know?

I thought 'Proof' was a limited TNT series like 'Dig'. But the conclusion tonight was open-ended. Does anyone know if there will be another season?
Even though 'Dig's ending was a huge disappointment, I enjoyed the series until the last episode, and I so appreciate TNT's attempts to bring fresh programming to the viewing audience in a season when programming is filled with endless reruns and stupid reality shows.

I could be a morning person if morning happened at noon.


There is no word on a renewal yet...


I'm guessing it is over -
at the very end, she basically had the proof that they were looking for - at this point, the story would need to vastly change....
while dig had a really disappointing finale for a limited series, i sorta would say this one was quite poignant - turing and the doc got the proof they were looking for... where else could it go from here really?


The show ended on a high note.


The ending implied that it's meant to continue but at the same time it could be cancelled.


For the show to have a season two the show would have to build on Carolyn acting on her knowledge of the afterlife. That being said how would having the answer effect what she does.

Also the show portrays NDE as being able to have your physical self with you. On so many levels I have a problem with that. If they had of shown an NDE as the continued existence of your conscious they could not only continue the story but it would have provided a more plausible explanation.

The show could then go down the road of what does it mean to be alive. This would include people in comas. Especially when the show makes the point. Just because Caroly showed no brain activity her conscience was still active.

As a doctor I would have thought this is what Carolyn would have taken from her experiment. She was looking for a physical afterlife.She did not prove that. But she did prove after your physical body ceases to function, and brain activity stops your conscious continues. This concept would then call into question coma victims and victims on life support.

The show could have used the continued conscious assumption, and Carolyn having two NDE's to explain how as a doctor she would guide people to recover or to pass on instead of lingering in a vegetative state. Making it possible to answer the hardest question anyone will every have to make. Do we pull the plug.
Embrace your inner Biest.... We all have one


"Just because Carolyn showed no brain activity her conscience was still active."

Step away from the edge.

The monitors only measure what they know to measure. If one isn't measuring cosmic microwave background or gravitational wave disturbances, one wouldn't know they existed.

Maybe we require more sensitive detectors to suss out quieter neural activities; or a more intrusive fMRI headgear.


Est modus in rebus sunt certi denique fines quos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum Goldilocks
