Censored cursing

Why is it that every episode has the "F" word in it, but it's censored? Was this show supposed to be on another station that allowed the word?
If you only knew the power of the Dark Side!


You can watch uncensored version on demand


I don't know, but it's annoying. Everything is uncensored except for the word *beep*


See Carlin's 7 dirty words for your answer.



It's funny when you watch British shows and they'll use both the masculine and feminine "C" words no problem, and then bleep the "F" word.

People get offended by the dumbest things.
I had a post deleted on IMDB message board for using the word "D***** bag".
It's a feminine hygiene product, not a swear/vulgar word.


just started watching and noticed. other FX shows don't do this, they don't say the F word at all.

perhaps they were intending to air it on Showtime or HBO when filming but it changed to FX.

will it be uncut on DVD?


just started Season 2 and they are still censoring the swearing.

I can understand season 1, maybe they didn't know what network it was gonna go on but season 2 they knew it was on FX.

so why film it with swearing only to cut it out?!

