The PC Police!

Get ready for the politically correct crowd!

They'll be all over this, trying to get it canceled because they're offended that anybody would dare to tackle the New Testament and say that Jesus might be black.

Everybody tread lightly, or they'll be going on and on about "The War on Christianity" just because somebody pointed at them and laughed.

(Here's some advice: If you don't want to be ridiculed, don't be ridiculous.)

So let's all be sensitive to fundie feelings. You know how they are about political correctness when it suits them.

Janet! Donkeys!



Those uptight biddies bitch about everything! They are even bitching about the show Satisfaction which BTW comes on at a late time and a network that has never shown anything remotely appropriate for children. I'm sure this show was like Christmas for them!

Save the date: Decemeber 31, 2014 is Cassie's big day!!!


Don't know where you've been, but bashing Christianity is a-okay and fully approved by the PC police.This show is making fun of Jesus and Christianity, so it's okay. Now if it were making fun of Mohammad and Islam, then there'd be a MASSIVE PROBLEM and this show would need to be shutdown pronto for being insensitive.

There's a benefit to losing: You get to learn from your mistakes. - Megamind


Don't know where you've been, but Islam is mocked pretty regularly on South Park. And the Daily Show. And numerous other places.

And are you trying to say that nobody is up in arms about Black Jesus or any time that Christianity is made fun of? Or are you just repeating the common double standard that when conservatives get their panties in a bunch and expect to be appeased, then it's not political correctness?

Janet! Donkeys!


Don't know where you've been, but shows such as South Park are not only the target of the PC police, but death threats as well. Courtesy of our good friend Jon Stewart for pointing this out.,, Nice strawman by the way!

And are you trying to say that nobody is up in arms about Black Jesus or any time that Christianity is made fun of?
That would depend on what you meant "by getting up in arms." If its being offended by something offensive to one's beliefs, then clearly no. Many Christians are indeed offended by this show and artwork such as "Piss Christ." If its misusing legislative/political authority to further one groups personal agenda (much like many progressives' efforts to bully the Washington Redskins into changing their name via frivolous lawsuits or get people fired or shutdown for favoring traditional marriage), I wouldn't use broad terms like "nobody" "or "any time", but that is largely what I'm saying.
Or are you just repeating the common double standard that when conservatives get their panties in a bunch and expect to be appeased, then it's not political correctness?
Sounds like something you pulled out of your behind. I'll give you the opportunity to clarify.

In the mean time, I'm not in favor of any group being appeased, but I am against political correctness and am informed enough about the subject to know that it's a progressive creation (e.g. the Frankfurt School of Thought) designed for political purposes. Of course, you're welcome to (in addition to listing these unnamed "numerous other places" as well as how they illustrate that there isn't any difference the treatment of Islam and Christianity) explain to us comments made by the current progressive President of the United States (e.g. "the future does not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam") or comments from media organizations such as the BBC admitting that they treat Islam more sensitively than Christianity.

There's a benefit to losing: You get to learn from your mistakes. - Megamind


So if it's not political correctness, what do you call it when conservatives or Christians are offended?

Janet! Donkeys!


It's called getting offended. I don't give two shts if someone gets offended and neither should you. Just because someone gets offended doesn't mean jacksquat. You talked about PC police. That goes well beyond simply getting offended and involves actual lobbying/legislative/political force. I get offended by 50% of what Bill Maher craps out, but I don't try to shut him down.

There's a benefit to losing: You get to learn from your mistakes. - Megamind


You mean like the lobbying that got the Reagan mini-series knocked off network TV and onto a cable station?

Janet! Donkeys!



There's a benefit to losing: You get to learn from your mistakes. - Megamind


So that was the PC Police? Or it wasn't the PC Police since it was conservatives that were offended?

Janet! Donkeys!


Nah, I believe I cut off the desperate and predictable "b-b-but this particular conservative group was the PC police in X particular instance" route when I said "I wouldn't use broad terms like "nobody" "or "any time", but that is largely what I'm saying." If you're gonna try springing a trap-question on someone, don't ask one that can be seen a mile away.

Yes, that was absolutely the PC police. By the way, I detest Republicans and Democrats. I especially detest hacks whose field of vision is limited to that worthless axis. Sorry that your efforts to shift the discussion in the hopes I'd mindlessly defend one group on any occasion didn't work out.

There's a benefit to losing: You get to learn from your mistakes. - Megami


I'm now wondering if you've ever busted in on a commenter who used "PC Police" when referring to "liberal outrage," just to be consistent, and taken them to task with these same arguments..

Janet! Donkeys!


Nah, I don't care much for your wonders. If you wish to engage me in a conversation, you'll present actual evidence of your claims or address the ones I've made. Otherwise, we have nothing else to discuss.

There's a benefit to losing: You get to learn from your mistakes. - Megamind


Sorry I offended you. I'll try to be more politically correct in the future.

Janet! Donkeys!


LOL... When you say "plenty of other places", what
are you referring to?


South Park has stopped joking about Islam as they used to before. You can figure out why.


if it were making fun of Mohammad and Islam, then there'd be a MASSIVE PROBLEM

The problem is usually with conservative religious Muslims.


Organized religion, as a whole, should be ridiculed daily!

"Bust shots at Big Ben like we got time to kill!"



This show isn't really proving itself to be a critique on Christianity or Black Culture. Most of the jokes are basically, "wouldn't it be funny if Jesus lived in the ghetto? Wouldn't it be HILARIOUS if he smoked weed?" People ought to be more offended by the bad writing than the subject matter, especially from somebody who brought us The Boondocks!



Hopefully I'll get better with practice.

Any constructive criticism?

Janet! Donkeys!
