
She comes across as having zero personality. In every episode she looks grouchy or annoyed. It's a shame because she is a beautiful woman, but she seems like a real hag!


I agree, she is pretty dry. Rhonda and Rosemary seem to have the most outgoing personalities out of all of the wives.


I think she is just kind of shy & not as outgoing as the other women. Probably not as comfortable in front of the cameras. I was always shy & sometimes people mistook me as being stuck up. I am much better one on one or after I get acquainted.


She has seemed to loosen up as they film/air more episodes.


She is soooo strange


Yes! Extremely!!


She's gunning to make Rosemary look koo-koo by giving her the lifetime silent treatment...
She is a passive-aggressive one, that first wife. She's taken to using her first wife power to cause the other to eat her feelings into obesity. Rise up, Ro! Get back to your fighting weight and show that QueenB!

-*- Brought to you by My Opinion Only Productions -*-
