The Cheerleaders Parents

So...are we supposed to just forget about the couple from the pilot episode? Are they with Chuck Cunningham now?

By Grabthar's Hammer...what a savings.


I was thinking that is her dad and step mom. Unless she called in some random couple to cover for her.


Perhaps the show is doing a retcon from episode 1 but I would assume that was her dad and step mom like smurphette04 mentions above.


They mentioned in the second episodes that her moms were on their vacation in Cabo. So during the first episodes, it makes sense that her parents are her dad and his new wife.


Chuck Cunningham. . . and Donna Pinciotti's kid sister.

*The Manitou is in and will take your calls now.
🐈 [cats] [whitecat]


Yeah, that was her dad and his new (spouse?) partner.
Nice 70's reference that most people won't get BTW.


Where is the older patient from the pilot? The dude who had been living in the hospital for decades?

I do what I say and I say what I mean
