Can't wait

I'm a big fan of Adewale.


you mean Mr. Eko


This is the story of Bilal ibn Raba'(رض الله عنه) who was a close companion of prophet Muhammad(صلى الله عليه وسلم).

Personally I heavily object to the casting of Abu Bakr ibn Abi Quhafa(whose name was Abdullah ibn Uthman). He was not be so pale. Us Arabs were and still are, darker than white people, especially back then and in the oven that is Hejaz.
In truth none of these castings look good at all(except for Adewale). I'm upset by the hollywood's continued practice of whitewashing.

I wonder how much they will show. Will they show Bilal leading the army and the killing of Umayya ibn khalaf? How will they handle the 2nd most(if not the) important character in this story, Prophet Muhammad? He was the one who told Bilal to stand on top of the Ka'aba to call the adhan. He was the one who freed him. And what about Abu Jahl? Most of the scenes of Umayya ibn Khalaf are with Abu Jahl.

For example, when Bilal's master, Umayya ibn Khalaf found out Bilal became a Muslim, he violently to tortured him. With Abu Jahl instigating, Umayya tied up Bilal & had him dragged around Mecca to break Bilal's faith in Islam (because Umayya and Abu Jahl were idol worships). Bilal never gave up Islam. He kept saying "Ahadun Ahad" (God is absolutely one). Frustrated upon Bilal's refusal to denounce the truth, Umayya became more angry. He ordered Bilal's limbs to be stretched out and tied to stakes lying flat on desert sand, so he could feel the intensity of the sun. He would be whipped & beaten while tied to the stakes. Constantly refusing to denounce Islam, Umayya became so frustrated that he ordered a large boulder be placed on Bilal's chest. The boulder heated by the sun burned Bilal's body while crushing him. Bilal remained firm in belief and continued to say "Ahadun Ahad". After such punishments, news of this slave reached Muhammad. Prophet Muhammad then sent Abu Bakr to negotiated a deal with Umayya to free Bilal.


I don't if your an idiot or just trying to bad mouth white people because it CLEARLY said it is MADE in U.A.E that is in United arab Emirates and not Hollywood. Arabs are also obsessed with white-washing everything and giving white people privilege because they think white skin is superior along side other races who think that too.


Dude, chill out.
It's an animation movie, and the story is written by a group of Saudi writers/animation producers.


Whitewashing? I saw the trailer and there were hardly any whites. Middle eastern are colored have some white, some black and the majority is in between. However, I guess this movie is going to garner a lot of hate even it did not completely suck.


do you have any idea what true story this movie is based about!


An Ethiopian boy.


Bilal Bin Rebah. He used to be a Muslim slave, tortured by his owners, until Prophet Mohammed's best friend and most trusted companion Abu Bakr bought him and set him free. Bilal was known for having the most beautiful voice and used to be the Mo'athen (the man who calls for prayer time) during Prophet Mohammed's life. He stopped doing it after the death of Prophet Mohammed.


It's based upon Bilal ibn Rabah, a friend and companion of the prophet Muhammad. He was a slave from ethiopia in africa. He was eventually freed by Muhammad in mecca. He is the one who gave the first call to prayer (the Adhaan), which is still given in Mosques around the world today.
