
Just finished watching and have no idea what was going on lol Anyone care to explain? Please :)


I could be wrong on several or many points, so please correct me if you see fit. Here's what I think (spoilers):

Amelia died while diving in the lake. But per her story to the girls about the River of Forgetting and what happened at the end, she was reincarnated. At the end, June is reincarnated as the baby that the foreign parents are fussing over (note they also cover the baby with the red paisley shawl that has appeared several times) and Amelia is there as the reincarnated grandmother.

Annie, Isa, and June were half-sisters. Amelia was their mother but they had different fathers and they are not part of the movie other than Isa says she'll ask her dad for a loan. Annie was the oldest, was sometimes responsible for her younger sisters, and was harangued by Amelia on occasion. We see this when they're all dressing up in Amelia's clothes and Annie goes off on that rant, repeating what her mother said.

June is very odd and is under doctors' care and on medication. We're never told what is wrong with her but I think it's something like autism. She won't eat in the presence of other people and she doesn't relate well to others at all. She's more comfortable being behind the camera and watching people that way. June was responsible for the dead birds and the nighttime time-lapse videos.

Of course there's more but I don't want to be a thread hog.


i think you're right on the money with all of your observations.

i also wanted to add that i think lindsay budge is the most interesting actor working today. usually playing somewhat unstable women, these are not easy roles. in first winter, midnight swim, 6 years and the masterpiece a teacher she always manages to be upright, forthcoming and unpretentious while at the same time damaged, and teetering on the brink of oblivion. she does this in a quiet, unflashy yet sincere manner without ever calling undue attention to the characters. she's a seriously great actor...


so then ...

Why is foreign Amelia so old if she died and was reincarnated only weeks before her daughter? Shouldn't she be an infant too?

Why does the lake get warmer near the bottom, and why do samples taken from this depth resemble amniotic fluid?

What is the significance of the elderly neighbor's story? What pulled her down?

Why did all the sisters hear the foreign song, and see the shawl, if only one of them was going to be reborn in a reality containing those things (and why would they encounter them in this life anyway)?

What happened to the Seven Sisters? What force is drawing people toward the lake bottom?

Did June actually cross the River of Forgetting? Wasn't she the one who said "if we remembered our past lives when we were babies, we wouldn't want to live", or something like it?

Why is the neighbor guy, who's lived lakeside all his life, clueless regarding these strange goings-on?

Does no one (like the USGS for instance) think it odd that a relatively small, enclosed body of water surrounded by lake houses and condos has an apparently unsurveyable bottom? Moreover, what do they think about the bottom containing an anomalous light that reincarnates people on contact?

Did June actually kill those birds? Would there have been seven bird deaths in total had the story continued, like in the Greek myth she told her sister?

What was the significance of the Pleiades and their relationship with Amelia's comparison of deep-water diving to spacewalking?

Why did Isa have to look so much like the 40 year-old woman I slept with when I was 17, making it impossible for me to focus on these mysteries, instead reducing me to a grinning idiot every moment she was onscreen?


Yes to all these questions!! As for the ending, I didn't think it was June being reincarnated, but remembering past incarnations. This movie had a lot of potential but abruptly ended and missed the mark
