MovieChat Forums > Lindsay (2014) Discussion > She Should Find Some Other Interests..

She Should Find Some Other Interests..

And stay out of the entertainment industry. Not once did I hear anyone say maybe she should focus on something else other than acting. She seems to be intelligent and talented, why not find some other venue succeed in. The acting thing is just too far gone from her now.

'When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.'


Since she's back in NY why not the fashion world,perhaps??


Anyone else wanna take a shot at this?

'When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.'


its a shame she ruined her life with drugs and booze. she looks older than her mother. but she did it to herself. she lived in the fast lane for 10 years and now she's paying for it. I think she might be blacklisted at the major studios



Maybe temporary retirement.

Allow her time to get her life in a positive path.

There is just too much drama at this moment in her own life.


"Maybe temporary retirement.

Allow her time to get her life in a positive path.

There is just too much drama at this moment in her own life."

^Maybe this, either way everytime she comes out of rehab she goes right back to the Hollywood/entertainment sh!t, its clear she needs to stay away from it at least for awhile; the way she keeps going back so fast theres a reason why she relapses so much.

'When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.'


OK, late to the party, but I'll chime in. "Another Venue" isn't going to happen unless she's forced into it.

There's a few dynamics here, so, it's complicated.

First? With some experience in this issue myself? Success at 'creative arts' is an addiction in itself. I'd say bigger than booze. I'm a minor leaguer. Everyone who knows me will tell you how talented I am (music). Local. Never truly cashed out, but impressed more than a couple of people along the way. I still do it, and I barely break even. My point?

Being the 'center of the universe' when you walk into a room is intoxicating in it's own right. The difference between this and booze/drugs is there are no drug side least not car crashes, neglect of loved ones, etc.

And in her case? She hit pay dirt. She's made a lot of money, not just for herself, but for more important people, like producers, etc.

Not only does she not want to walk away from it, at this point, it's 'who she is'.

The most annoying thing I saw was when she let her friend down, during the ad. Quitting on the thing the day of the shoot, insinuating she gave up London for it was piss poor on her part. She's going to have to learn to say no.

But she won't be quitting showbiz until she can't find a job. And as it sits, presently, they'll pay here to 'train wreck' in public. Never mind if she actually has a hit again.


For the present moment, at least.



Yep. And every "present moment" for the rest of her days.

I don't quite agree with that, but Ok. LOL.

By the way------I'm a regular browser of you and the others on the Teen Mom 2 board----also Teen Mom as well----been so since the beginning, actually---so it does not surprise me you are that blunt.

That is actually the reason I will not go over there anytime soon. Don't want what hair I have left on my hair pulled off by you guys (however unintentionally. LOL).



She's tried modelling, music and had her own fashion line (who are now suing her) Maybe its time she took the DWTS offer she gets every year.



"Of course, Lindsay has to actually achieve responsibility and gratitude. I don't see that being Lindsay's "thing.""

^Good call.

If she were ever on Dancing With the Stars, that alone would be an excuse for her to be lazy/attention starved and act an ass just for the sake that everyone is watching.

'When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.'


Another bother would be her mother jumping in at every moment she feels Linsday is being slighted. Dina was a dancer, and she'll think she's all knowing. She is the worst thing to happen to Lindsay aside from Lindsay herself.

I would definitely watch on Lindsey on DWTS. And I do not watch DWTS.

I agree with you about Dina----although Michael is pretty bad himself.

If you watched the latest episode------I personally thought that is sh---y that she will not have anything to do with Michael's other non-Dina children. Sorry, Lindsay, but those kids had nothing to do with Michael's and your baggage/drama. One was born of an affair he had while he was still married to Dina (blame him and the woman, not the kid) and the other other is a baby now from his fiancee. Had nothing to do with Michael's life pre-fiancee. I just think that is very unfair of her. But, like Michael said, that is her choice.

I personally like Matt Harrell. Her personal assistant. Went from Prince (I would love some stories on THAT gig!) and Steven Tyler to HER. Wonder what his mother said about THAT. Sounds like an easy-going, competent guy. Hope he is well-paid.



"I personally like Matt Harrell. Her personal assistant. Went from Prince (I would love some stories on THAT gig!) and Steven Tyler to HER. Wonder what his mother said about THAT. Sounds like an easy-going, competent guy. Hope he is well-paid."

He does seem like a decent guy but I would hope that it was Oprah that hired him rather than Lindsay herself, I doubt she could afford the services of someone like he who worked for much higher profile celebrities.

'When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.'


Dina was a dancer, and she'll think she's all knowing.

No she wasn't...

DINA Lohan, the leggy mother of Lindsay, is always described as a former Radio City Music Hall Rockette – but she’s not. After an inquiry from The Post, a spokeswoman for Radio City called back to say an exhaustive search found no record of Dina Lohan, or Donata Sullivan (her maiden name), ever being a Rockette. Execs at Cablevision, which owns Radio City, were said to be indignant anyone would claim to be a Rockette who wasn’t. “It’s like claiming to have a degree from Harvard when you don’t. It’s a big deal to be a Rockette,” said our source. A Google search of “Dina Lohan Rockette” yesterday turned up 884 links. Biographies of Dina, 44, also say the 5-foot-111/2 blonde acted on the Broadway stage and in commercials – also apparently not true. “Look in SAG [the Screen Actors Guild]. Look in AFTRA [American Federation of Televison & Radio Artists]. Dina isn’t a member,” said a family source. “She never did a Broadway show. She never did ads.




Totally. She could go to ICDC or some other trade school, and cash in like Lil Romeo and Shannon Doherty. It'd be so dope if she had a little rap at end of her commercial with some sweet dance moves, too;)

