MovieChat Forums > Lindsay (2014) Discussion > Wow, she really is a trainwreck.

Wow, she really is a trainwreck.

The meltdown at the lingerie shoot, the knee jerk need to immediately change rooms, and that hoarders disaster that was all the junk strewn around her room. She really is a walking disaster. I can't imagine why anyone would ever put themselves through hiring her.


I love Lindsay, but I was mortified at her room. I thought I was watching an episode of Hoarders.


Which one, her hotel room or her old room back at home?

A person hates you because they either wanna be you, see you as a threat, or hate themself


Somewhat of both,I've heard!!!!!



What are they going to show next? Are the next few episodes going to continue showing her getting her apartment in order? That is all we have seen for 3 episodes and it is getting pretty boring.
