MovieChat Forums > Lindsay (2014) Discussion > She hasn't changed one bit

She hasn't changed one bit

I know this is a reality show, so a lot of what is going on is probably not real anyway, but from what is being shown, it doesn't appear that she has changed at all. She still doesn't respect anyone else. She still can't keep commitments. She can't show up on time. It's all about Lindsay and only about Lindsay. She can't even give her personal assistant 10 minutes a day without resenting him asking for the time. She has at least a dozen people in the apartment helping her, but she isn't the least bit grateful.

It's pretty bad when her sober coach can't say with any confidence that she is keeping sober.

Lindsay definitely is using the whole "I need time for me" bit to her advantage. I can see her whining about being too stressed and pressured to shoot for the entire run of this show.

Oh and btw Lindsay….your little female assistant is going to run off with half your clothes. She is already holding them up to see which ones fit her.


Yes, she is very much done for. This show is just a waste of time and effort for all involved.

'When there's no more room in Hollywood, remakes shall walk the Earth.'


I agree that the show (and especially this episode) confirms that Lindsay is never going to change and that there's some kind of personality disorder or something at work here far beyond substance abuse issues. While I honestly find her interesting to watch (she still has this odd charisma), as a person she's a total mess who can't be helped at this point and STILL after all this time CANNOT take responsibility for her actions. She constantly whines, plays the victim and blames everyone and everything but herself for the chaos of her life. Its excruciating.

I disagree though that 'what is going on is probably not real anyway' or that its a contrived reality show like so many people have been saying here and in the press. This is obviously all real. The producers have been struggling so much for footage and storyline that they've actually incorporated the process into the show!! Which I think is the only reason this has been watchable. Three whole episodes of Lindsay doing nothing but endlessly packing and unpacking has been pretty dull as it is, imagine if they just ignored the elephant in the room. Lindsay needs a wake up call. Even jail didnt do it.
