
Bailed out after 20 minutes. couldn't take it anymore. all she did was ride in cars and walk around talking about kicking drugs and doing more movies. Why did Oprah put this train wreck on her channel




Bringing in someone like LL whose life & career is living on the edge at the
moment isn't a good idea,JMO!!!!


I agree about OWN. I started watching it purely for Dr. Phil in the mornings (for some reason we don't get the station the new ones come on everyday) but they show the SAME Episodes week after week after week! WTH?! There's like 15 seasons to choose from and I'm stuck on a loop from 2006! But still, my TV is stuck on the station day after day... It's become nothing more than background noise now... There really isn't anything else on during the day.

I haven't actually seen "Lindsay" (the show lol) I just came over here to see if it was worth it, I gladly got my answer. Though, I couldn't see myself missing the walking dead for this crap anyway...


Dr. Phil's show is the real train wreck. I don't watch more than a minute of the ending, waiting on the news to come on, but I am just waiting till the fist fights start between the guests, and the bouncers come out and break the fake crap up.



I couldn't even do 5 min......what a crock of $h!+

In the first 2 minutes Lindsay and Oprah being with talking about how she (Lindsay) is going to be honest and Oprah will call her out if she is not. Oprah states that she is only interested in the truth. Great.

Shortly after, I mean very shortly (30 seconds later), Oprah asks Lindsay her drug (or drugs) of choice and Lindsay replies, "Alcohol!".


Yes, alcohol was part of her downfall, but ultimately it was the drugs that led to her destruction both physically and mentally. She was (or maybe still is) addicted to drugs. For sure her drug of choice was cocaine; we have all seen pictures of her doing cocaine and yes, once you've open that can of worms you will always do cocaine while drinking/partying, especially given her status and means.

I can almost guarantee the documentation from the rehab center(s) will state more than just alcohol as her addiction.

This "documentary", or should I say reality show is just a sad attempt at Lindsay trying to save face, perhaps if she was truthful, raw and real about what had really happened to her, she could regain some of that lost dignity.
